University of Georgia

J. Edward Kellough is Associate Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs and Director of the Doctoral Program in Public Administration at the University of Georgia. Professor Kellough teaches courses in Public Personnel Administration/ Human Resources Management, Program Evaluation, Public Administration and Democracy, and other topics. His principal research interests are in the area of public personnel management.

Dr. Kathe Callahan

Dr. Kathe Callahan is an assistant professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Campus at Newark. Dr. Callahan’s research and teaching interests focus on civic engagement, public sector accountability and performance measurement. In particular, she studies the impact of citizen participation on performance measurement and improvement. Dr.

John Bridgeland and Bruce Reed

John Bridgeland is Founder and CEO of Civic Enterprises, a public policy firm in Washington, D.C., and Vice Chair of the Service Year Alliance at The Aspen Institute, a new initiative to create a voluntary, civilian national service counterpart to military service in the United States. He is also author of the book, Heart of the Nation: Volunteering and America's Civic Spirit, which is being assigned in classes on college campuses.

A Pivotal Period for Afghanistan: Interview with Larry Sampler, assistant to the USAID Administrator for Afghanistan & Pakistan

In advance of the Afghan Presidential election run-off scheduled for June 14, Larry Sampler, assistant to the USAID Administrator for Afghanistan and Pakistan join me on The Business of Government to explore how USAID has sought to promote stability and order in Afghanistan and what is USAID's three-fold transition strategy. The following is an excerpt of our discussion on The Business of Government Hour.

Over the last 12 years, the U.S.

Risk Management for Grants Administration

The Department of Educaton (ED) maintains many risk management tools, two of which are new: the State Score Cards and the Entity Risk Review. This report explains how these two tools are being used and provides examples of how risk management tools have been used to track the progress of two high risk grantees: Detroit Public Schools and Puerto Rico. Based on their examination of the ED experience, the authors present a series of lessons learned and recommendations for other agencies.

Do Tiered Evidence Grants Work?

It recently released a nine-point agenda recommending actions that Congress can take to ground funding decisions on this basis.  One of its recommended actions is to expand the use of “tiered evidence” grants.

But do they work?

The Open Government Dialogue

With little fanfare, the While House announced that 29 agencies launched their Open Government weblinks on schedule (per an OMB directive), on Saturday, February 6th. Virtually all of them also invited citizens to participate in a dialogue on how they could improve their approaches to transparency, participation, collaboration, and innovation.

Conversations with Leaders: Dr. Robert Childs

In the corporate world, and throughout the federal government, information is a very valuable asset. Having timely access to this information, and using it to inform strategic decision making, have become critical in today’s competitive, networked, and interconnected world. Information technology (IT) plays a central role in making this happen. We spoke with Dr. Robert D.
