How Federal Agencies Can Effectively Manage Records Created Using New Social Media Tools

To date, federal agencies have largely been on their own in terms of how to manage records created via social media tools. This historically decentralized approach has resulted in some agencies banning the use of social media while other agencies have rapidly adopted their use but ignored the potential records management implications. The National Archives and Records Administration released a bulletin on managing social media records at the same time this report was released. It offered some “guidance to Federal agencies, who must then determine the most appropriate ways to incorporate recordkeeping requirements into their business processes. . . “
In this report, Dr. Franks provides some more granular advice on issues such as “what are the characteristics of a ‘record’?” when social media is involved. She also provides a framework for understanding records management issues in a Web 2.0 world for agency records managers, web masters, chief information officers, and social media offices. She also offers recommendations, best practices, and practical advice on ways to transform the way records and records management programs and practices are conducted across the government.