The Challenge of Developing Cross-Agency Measures: A Case Study of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

This report presents a case-study of the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s development and implementation of a performance measures system. The study examines how the agency moved to a system of accountability linked to program resources and offers insight into the challenge of holding agencies accountable for programs that cut across organizational lines. Managing for Performance and Results

The Potential of the Government Performance and Results Act as a Tool to Manage Third-Party Government

In 1993, Congress passed the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) which mandated federal agencies to develop strategic and performance plans. This report evaluates the implementation of GPRA across five federal health care agencies. The results is an analysis of how different policy tools in the different agencies effect performance goals, the way each does its respective business, and the connection between performance measures and program activity. Managing for Performance and Results

The Power of Frontline Workers in Transforming Government: The Upstate New York Veterans Healthcare Network

The project describes and analyzes how a government organization, providing services within the ongoing constraints of bureaucratic routine, reduced funding and political influence and used the entrepreneurial capabilities of its workforce to navigate major strategic challenges successfully. The organization examined was a single health service network within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), the Upstate New York Veterans Health Network, which allowed its work force to become more entrepreneurial and independent in performing their responsibilities.

Using Evaluation to Support Performance Management: A Guide for Federal Executives

his report documents the ways in which program evaluation is currently being used to support performance management. The authors draw from current practices to derive recommendations for improving the links between program evaluation and performance measurement, and management in the federal government. Managing for Performance and Results


Using Performance Data for Accountability: The New York City Police Department's CompStat Model of Police Management

This report examines the New York City Police Department’s innovative model of police management known as COMPSTAT. The study identifies the management practices that are associated with COMPSTAT and documents the process of dissemination and adoption of COMPSTAT by other police departments across the nation. Managing for Performance and Results

