Dr. Kiran Somvanshi

Dr. Kiran Somvanshi is Global Visiting Fellow with the IBM Center for The Business of Government and a business journalist at The Economic Times (ET), India’s largest financial newspaper. She has been part of the research bureau of the publication for more than a decade and has written over 1,200 published articles covering Indian companies, economy and business. She has written on issues concerning Corporate Governance, Investor Protection and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and has covered the pharmaceuticals & consumer goods. She intends to be in the cross-roads of journalism, academics and policy.
Kiran was awarded a doctorate from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in 2014 for her research in the field of CSR in Indian companies. She graduated in Arts (specialising in Psychology) by securing sixth rank in Mumbai University and was Gold Medallist at the D.G. Ruparel College. She is also a qualified Company Secretary, Cost Accountant & Bachelors of Law. Earlier in her career, Kiran has worked for organizations like Cipla, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) and JM Financial.
In 2016, she was selected as the Chevening South Asia Journalism Programme fellow at the University of Westminster, London. Her fellowship included a short stint at the Financial Times where she wrote for Lex, the agenda setting column of the daily.
Kiran is in the US currently on the Fulbright Humphrey Fellowship at the Arizona State University, Phoenix. During her fellowship, she did internships with the United Nations Development Programme in New York in December and the World Bank & the IBM Centre for Business of Government in Washington DC. She collaborated on research with academics in the US – writing on Blockchain for the Brookings Institute.
Kiran is a public speaker on a variety of business and journalism topics. She is married and lives with her two children in Mumbai.