Elizabeth Davies

Elizabeth Davies is a Research Associate at the Urban Institute’s Metropolitan Housing & Communities Policy Center and Justice Policy Center. Her research has focused on issues surrounding prisoner reentry, public housing, and intergovernmental partnerships. Before rejoining the Urban Institute in 2011, Elizabeth served as a performance and evaluation analyst for the Multnomah County, Oregon Budget Office; as the chief research analyst and administrator for Multnomah County’s Public Safety Coordinating Council, a collaborative body composed of local and state elected officials and the heads of all criminal justice agencies in the county; as the Public Safety Co-Lead of a regional performance indicators project for the Portland-Vancouver area; and as a community scholar within the Training and Talent Development Department of NeighborWorks America.
Ms. Davies’ published work includes an evaluation of the OJJDP’s Gang Reduction Program (Community Collaboratives for Addressing Youth Gangs: Interim Findings from the Gang Reduction Program, Cahill et al. 2008); a literature review and special report on the impact of parental incarceration on children (Broken Bonds: Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Children with Incarcerated Parents, La Vigne et al 2008; Understanding the Needs and Experiences of Children of Incarcerated Parents: Views from Mentors, Davies et al 2008); a guidebook on inmate transition planning for criminal justice practitioners (Release Planning for Successful Reentry: A Guide for Corrections, Service Providers, and Community Groups, La Vigne et al 2008) and an article exploring the ecology of obesity (Environment, Design, and Obesity: Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research, Wells et al 2007). She has also produced several briefs, special reports, and other documents for the Multnomah County government.
Ms. Davies holds a B.S. in Policy Analysis and Management from Cornell University, where she also studied human development, environmental psychology, and city and regional planning.