Kshemendra Paul

Kshemendra Paul was appointed the Department of Energy’s Assistant Inspector General for Cybersecurity Assessments and Data Analytics on November 7, 2022. Mr. Paul’s prior role was Chief Data Officer (CDO) for the Department of Veterans Affairs. As VA’s CDO he led data governance, management, and analytics to inform VA-wide decision making and provide an authoritative clearinghouse for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information about Veterans and VA programs. A key success was delivering a Veteran-centric enterprise information model based on interoperable data management into use to improve evidence-based policymaking as well as frontline operational decision support.
Mr. Paul previously served as the Cloud Action Officer for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and coordinated efforts to migrate information technology assets to the cloud management platforms. From 2010-2016, Mr. Paul led terrorism-related information sharing from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence successfully integrating a million officers into a nationwide information sharing environment. Mr. Paul worked closely with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners, as well as private sector and international allies, to balance the needs for information sharing and safeguarding to enhance national security and protect the American people.
Mr. Paul began his federal service in 2005 as the chief enterprise architect at the Department of Justice (DOJ) where he led the delivery of the premier public sector semantic interoperability framework, the National Information Exchange Model. From that position, he moved on to serve as the federal chief architect in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) where he led federal enterprise architecture activities. His tenure spanned two administrations, four budgets and an $80 billion portfolio.
Prior to joining the federal government, Mr. Paul has worked in entrepreneurial, technology development and leadership roles. Mr. Paul received his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (1987) and Bachelor of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics (1984) from the University of Maryland, College Park.