Kyujin Jung

Kyujin Jung is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration at Tennessee State University, where he teaches core courses on public administration and policy. He has been serving as Managing Editor of the Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia and the Chair of the #DISC2016, the 2016 WATEF International Conference: Data, Innovation, Social Network, and Convergence. His research interests include interorganizational arrangements, social network analysis, and issues related to metropolitan governance.
Dr. Jung has performed grant research funded by government agencies and private foundations including the National Science Foundation, National Information Society Agency, and Seoul Institute to Investigate Interorganizational Collaboration. He is the recipient of the Urban Communications Foundation Award from the Urban Affairs Association, the Junior Asian Scholar Award, and the Donald C and Alice Stone Best Paper Award from the American Society for Public Administration.
Dr. Jung’s publications have appeared in Public Administration Review, Government Information Quarterly, Local Government Studies, International Review of Administrative Science, Disaster Prevention and Management, Quality & Quantity, Lex Localis: Journal of Local Self-Government, and Technological Forecasting & Social Change. He earned his PhD in public administration from the College of Public Affairs and Community Service at the University of North Texas and an MPA from the Graduate School of Governance at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea, where he was a Bran Korea 21 Fellow in Public Administration and Policy.