Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley is a research associate at the Jerry Lee Center of Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania. She has constructed and managed data systems, and has conducted statistical programming and analysis for evaluations of government programs and public policy research projects for over 10 years.
Shelley currently oversees data analysis and systems development for the Center’s partnership with the Children and Youth Division of Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services. Shelley developed the multi-level data and reporting system that provides monitoring and analysis of the performance-based contracting system for foster care providers. She currently serves as part of the Center’s team working to develop and implement data-driven, performance-based models for other parts of the city’s dependent care system.
Prior to joining the staff of the Jerry Lee Center, Shelley was a research associate at the Urban Institute for four years, where she served as the lead programmer on a number of crime- and corrections-related projects. Shelley holds a B.A. in economics and government from Cornell University and an M.A. in geography from the University of Maryland.