Morgan Swink

Dr. Morgan Swink teaches and leads research in areas of supply chain management, innovation management, project management, and operations strategy. Dr. Swink’s current research projects address digital transformation, innovation management, servitization, visibility, collaborative integration, and financial impacts of supply management policies. He has been ranked among the top ten innovation management scholars in the world, and among the top 75 most productive operations management scholars. Dr. Swink heads the Center for Supply Chain Innovation, a collaborative venture that engages business partners, faculty, and students. He is the former Co-Editor in Chief for the Journal of Operations Management, a top academic journal, and he continues to serve in other editorial roles for several top journals. He is a Fellow and past president of the Decision Sciences Institute, president of the Operational Excellence College in the Production and Operations Management Society, past chair of the CSCMP Research Strategies Committee, and he serves on several boards of directors.
Dr. Swink has co-authored two supply chain operations text-books, one managerial book on supply chain excellence, and published more than 90 articles in a variety of academic and managerial journals. Dr. Swink has won numerous research, teaching, and service awards, including the 2016 Chancellor’s Research and Creativity Award at TCU. He consults and leads executive workshops and seminars in breakthrough thinking for innovation and productivity, supply chain management best practices, systems thinking, cross-organizational integration, project management, and operational flexibility. Past academic postings include Michigan State University (1998-2010) and Indiana University (1988- 1998). Previously, Dr. Swink worked for 10 years in product development and manufacturing at Texas Instruments Incorporated. He holds a BS Mechanical Engineering (Southern Methodist University), an MBA (University of Dallas), and a PhD in Operations Management (Indiana University).