Nilmini Wickramasinghe

Professor Nilmini Wickramasinghe has an internationally recognized research record in the area of healthcare and technology management. Her expertise is in the strategic application and management of technology for effecting superior healthcare solutions. In this light, she has and continues to work with several leading healthcare institutions throughout the US including the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins and Northwestern Memorial Hospital on numerous applications of various technology solutions. As of 13th Dec 2009, she was appointed the Professor of Information Management and Library Science in the School of Business IT and Logistics at RMIT University. Prior to this she was an associate professor and the associate director for the Centre for the Management of Medical Technology at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago USA. Dr Wickramasinghe currently has over 200 peer-reviewed scholarly journal publications and is the author of several books and an Encyclopedia in Healthcare and Technology. She is constantly being invited to give key note address pertaining to numerous issues regarding technology and superior healthcare delivery thought North America, Australasia and Europe and serves on various PhD committees as expert external examiner for universities in Europe and North America. In addition, Dr Wickramasinghe is the Editor-in-Chief of two scholarly international peer-reviewed scholarly journals published by InderScience (IJNVO www.inderscience.com/ijnvo and IJBET www.inderscience.com/ijbet) and The Springer Series Editor for Healthcare delivery in the Information Age. Dr Wickramasinghe has received numerous grants and research excellence awards.