Cross-Agency Priority Goals: 2014 (Part 2)

An earlier post provides excerpts from the seven mission-related cross-agency priority goals. This post provides excerpts from the management-related cross-agency priority goals:
(UPDATED: 7-1-2014)
Cross-Agency Priority Goals
The eight management priority goals reflect the Administration’s new four-part management improvement agenda, which is described broadly in the President’s fiscal year 2015 budget message.
Goal 8: Customer Service
Deliver world-class customer services to citizens by making it faster and easier for individuals and businesses to complete transactions and have a positive experience with government.
Goal Leaders:
- Lisa Danzig, Associate Director for Personnel and Performance, Office of Management and Budget
- Commissioner, Social Security Administration (Carolyn Colvin, Acting)
Goal 9: Smarter IT Delivery
Improve outcomes and customer satisfaction with Federal services through smarter IT delivery and stronger agency accountability for success. This will be done by strengthening agency accountability and implementing strategies such as:
- Getting the best talent inside the government.
- Getting the best companies working with government.
- Putting the right processes and practices in place to drive outcomes and accountability.
Goal Leaders:
- Steve VanRoekel, Federal Chief Information Officer, Office of Management and Budget
- Sloan Gibson, Deputy Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs
- Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Goal 10: Strategic Sourcing (continuation of an earlier priority goal)
Expand the use of high-quality, high-value strategic sourcing solutions in order to improve the government’s buying power and reduce contract duplication. This will be achieved by:
- Rolling out next-generation solutions for existing Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiatives
- Expanding strategic sourcing to other commodity areas
Goal Leaders
- Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget (Lesley Field, Acting)
- Frank Kendall, US undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, Department of Defense
Goal 11: Shared Services
Strategically expand high-quality, high value shared services to improve performance and efficiency throughout government. To do this, it will take the following steps:
- Develop common standards and benchmarks to measure shared service utilization, performance, and cost. Mandate those standards and benchmarks for common administrative services.
- From these standards and benchmarks we will drive efficiencies and greater performance by: 1) increasing the capacity of the Federal Shared Service Providers (SSPs) at Interior, USDA, Treasury, HHS, Transportation, and DOD; and 2) requiring use of lower-cost, higher-performing Shared Services for all agencies and SSPs which cannot meet established targets.
- We will target the following areas for Shared Services (listed in order of priority): financial, HR, technology, and acquisition.
Goal Leaders:
- Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget (David Mader, Acting)
- Krysta Harden, Deputy Secretary, US Department of Agriculture
Goal 12: Benchmark and Improve Mission-Support Operations
Improve administrative efficiency and increase the adoption of effective management practices by establishing cost and quality benchmarks of mission-support operations and giving agency decision-makers better data to compare options, allocate resources, and improve processes. It will do this by:
- Establishing cost and quality benchmarks for core/administrative operations such as HR, Finance, Acquisition, and IT.
- Cutting improper payments
- Saving on real estate costs
Goal Leaders:
- Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget (David Mader, Acting)
- Dan Tangherlini, Administrator, General Services Administration
Economic Growth
Goal 13: Open Data
Fuel entrepreneurship and innovation and improve government efficiency and effectiveness by unlocking the value of government data and adopting management approaches that promote interoperability and openness of this data. The goal will focus on a series of government-wide objectives, strategies and major metrics that facilitate and gauge the outcome-oriented and management improvement goals of Open Data. Metrics will prioritize three channels of impact measurement: (a) impact on economic value creation organizations,(b) impact on existing public program outcomes, and (c) impact on internal government efficiency.
Goal Leaders:
- Steve VanRoekel, Federal Chief Information Officer, Office of Management and Budget
- Todd Park, Chief Technology Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Goal 14: Lab-to-Market
Increase the economic impact of Federally-funded research and development by accelerating and improving the transfer of new technologies from the laboratory to the commercial marketplace. It will do this by:
- Optimizing the management, discoverability, and ease-of-license of the 100,000+ Federally-funded patents;
- Increasing the utilization of Federally-funded research facilities by entrepreneurs and innovators;
- Ensuring that relevant Federal institutions and employees are appropriately incentivized to prioritize R&D commercialization;
- Identifying steps to develop human capital with experience in technology transfer, including by expanding opportunities for entrepreneurship education; and
- Maximizing the economic impact of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs
Goal Leaders:
- Tom Kalil, Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation, Office of Science and Technology Policy
- Dan Poneman, Deputy Secretary, Department of Energy
People and Culture
Goal 15: People and Culture
Innovate by unlocking the full potential of the workforce we have today and building the workforce we need for tomorrow. It will do this by taking steps to:
- Innovate by unlocking the full potential of the workforce we have today and building the workforce we need for tomorrow.
- Build a World-Class Federal Management Team Starting with the Senior Executive Service.
- Enable Agencies to Hire the Best Talent from All Segments of Society.
Goal Leaders:
- Jonathan McBride, Director, Presidential Personnel Office
- Katherine Archuleta, Director, Office of Personnel Management
In addition to the cross-agency priority goals, the refreshed Performance.gov website now includes 92 refreshed or new agency priority goals, along with new agency strategic plans and agency annual plans.
Graphic Credit: Courtesy of Stuart Miles via FreeDigitalPhotos