Weekly Roundup: June 15-19, 2015

CyberSprint Underway. Federal News Radio reports that federal CIO Tony Scott has given agencies 30 days to improve the security of their systems and data, following the data breech at the Office of Personnel Management. According to FNR: “Scott also announced the creation of a "Cybersecurity Sprint Team" to review current federal policies and procedures and recommend a new cyber strategy for civilian agencies.” Federal Personal Coaching Network Created. Federal News Radio says “ The Office of Personnel Management has compiled a governmentwide database of certified coaches — all federal employees who have other day jobs — who can be deployed to help any federal employee at any agency. It's now embarking on a marketing push to let agencies know about the database. OPM says there are only 110 registered coaches now, but it has plans to train 60 more within the next few weeks.” Obama’s Vision of Government in the Future. In a Fast Company interview with President Obama, he reflects: “. . . .if we are able through the U.S. digital team to recruit a baseline of talent and create a pipeline—on a regular basis, top technology folks are cycling in for a one- or two-year stint, making a difference . . . . And if we build that culture of service, then, what I do believe will happen is the government as a whole will start thinking about its relationship to citizens differently.” Obama’s Vision (continued). In another part of that same interview, Government Executive’s Tom Shoop highlighted another observation by the President: “And part of what we’re doing here is to yank government—upgrade it, patch it, and ultimately transform it so that it is responsive and can interface with this new private sector in a much more effective way.” Upbeat Status Report on DATA Act Implementation. After years of discounting the quality of the spending data reported to the central website, USASpending.gov, Government Executive reports “It’s surprising how many agencies now use USASpending.gov to “access their own data,” said David Lebryk, the fiscal assistant Treasury secretary who on Monday delivered an upbeat assessment of governmentwide progress in implementing the 2014 Digital Accountability and Transparency Act.” Michael Keegan OIG Report: HealthCare.gov Still Lacks Automated Financial Back End. A new report from HHS' Office of Inspector General finds that HealthCare.gov still lacks an automated financial back end, after two completed open enrollment periods. OIG indicates that up $2.8 billion in payments to insurers were "at risk" because of ineffective controls. FCW. 3 Reasons the Use of mHealth Is Limited. Mobile health technology has the potential to radically change the way patients and providers approach preventive care, medication adherence and engagement in health care. But three factors are holding health care organizations back from developing and adopting mhealth tools: They're expensive, they're risky and they raise privacy concerns. IT acquisition teams and agile data management. The U.S. Digital Service regularly makes headlines for trying to transplant a Silicon Valley ethos into the federal workforce. Now the Office of Federal Procurement Policy is trying something similar to energize the acquisitions workforce. But there's a twist. Instead of tapping private-sector specialists, OFPP Director Anne Rung is developing a training course for existing federal acquisitions workers to develop expertise in digital services procurement. Data scientists: Stop trying to just predict; look back, and think. In the rush to predict the future, many are passing up the opportunity to leverage big data's potential to form a more complete picture of how the world works, leading scientists say. 7 ways to avoid mobile app design failure. While IT shops tend to focus on technical design aspects, understanding user experience can ensure rapid user adaption. What can your agency learn from the CDM rollout at DHS? It’s been a long 18 months since the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program was launched by the Department of Homeland Security in September 2013. With lots of eyes on the program and questions on how it will unfold and work, some of the answers and fruits of that planning may soon be coming into view. House Panel Passes Budget Cuts for Health IT-Related Agencies. A House Appropriation subcommittee has approved a draft funding measure for fiscal year 2016 that would not increase funding for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and would eliminate funding for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHA News et al. * * * * * The Business of Government Radio Show: Conversations with Leaders. What are DHS’ key Cybersecurity & Communications priorities? What is the mission of the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)? How is DHS building capacity to accelerate the sharing of cyber threats? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Dr. Phyllis Schneck, Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications, in the Department of Homeland Security’s National protection and Programs Directorate . Broadcast Schedule: The show airs Monday at 11 a.m., and Wednesday at noon, on Federal News Radio 1500AM WFED If you can't wait, though, you can listen to (or download) this week's program and all our previous interviews at businessofgovernment.org.