The E-Government Collaboration Challenge: Lessons from Five Case Studies

This report examines five diverse case studies in which collaboration depended on the effective use of information technology. The authors assess the political, administrative, and technical challenges that occurred in each of these five case studies and find commonalities across the cases in both the challenges faced and lessons learned. They conclude, "Interestingly, the technical challenges tended to be the least difficult to surmount...."
Based on the lessons learned from these case studies, the authors offer 10 recommendations to ease the way for future cross-organizational initiatives that require using a common information technology system as the backbone of the collaborative effort.E-Government, Collaboration, California Franchise Tax Board, California, CFTB, Capital Wireless, Integrated Network, CapWIN, U.S. Treasury Internet Payment Platform, IPP, CDC, BioSense Initiative, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium, WLIC, Cross-Organizational, Cross-Functional, Cross-Jurisdictional, Interorganizational Systems, ITCollaboration: Networks and Partnerships