Louis M. Brennan

Louis Brennan is currently based at Trinity College Dublin where he is Director of the Institute for International Integration Studies and Professor of Business Studies within the School of Business. He was previously a faculty member at Merrimack College, having most recently served as Associate Professor in the Department of Management. He was also research associate for the Project for the Study of Telecommuting Practices at Merrimack College. Dr. Brennan has taught at several institutions in Asia, Europe and the United States and specializes in Global Business and Operations Strategy, Supply Chain Management, and Technology Management on the graduate and undergraduate level. He has also worked with corporate education programs, focusing primarily on the design of work systems and global logistics and supply chain management. He has published widely in the areas of International Business and Operations Management with a particular focus on the modeling of both human and technical systems. Dr. Brennan's research interests include flexible, mobile and remote working methods and the impact of logistics systems on global business success. Dr. Brennan is a graduate of the National University of Ireland (Galway) (1978 - BE in Industrial Engineering), (1980 - MEngSc in Industrial Engineering). He holds the Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering/Manufacturing from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, England (1983), and the MBA from Northeastern University/Boston (1995). Dr. Brennan is a registered member of the Institute for Ergonomics and Human Factors.