Curtis Clark

Curtis Clark is a Director with the IBM Global Government Industry and works directly with senior government officials, elected and appointed, throughout the world, focusing on emerging trends and directions in the public sector and developing strategies that government leaders can implement to drive innovation throughout their organizations. Prior to joining IBM in 1997, Mr. Clark spent over 17 years with the State of North Carolina, where he held various executive and legislative positions, including: Deputy State Controller for Information Resource Management (State CIO); Executive Director of the North Carolina Statewide Performance Audit (GPAC); Director of the Performance Audit Division of the State Auditors Office. Mr. Clark has and continues to serve on public sector commissions and works with university programs, including:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Government; Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government; The North Carolina Budget Reform and Accountability Commission (BRAC); National Governors Association Center for Best Practices - United States; National Association of Counties - United States; Public Technology Institute – United States.