Extraordinary Results on National Goals: Networks and Partnerships in the Bureau of Primary Health Care's 100%/0 Campaign

Over the past decade much work has been done on defining leaders and examining the distinctions among leaders, management and administration. This study examines an innovative approach to leading as a discipline and a method. It describes the Bureau of Primary Health Care's management effort from 1998 to 2001 to transform the health care system at the community level throughout America. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HSRA) within the Department of Health and Human Services organized the 100% Access & 0 Disparities Campaign. This project examines how the campaign started, the methods it used and the results it obtained. The team that guided the campaign brought a number of techniques together to create an innovative methodology. It was a synthesis of social marketing, managing for results, public theatre, systems analysis, program evaluation, replication theory, social networking, and performance measurement. The lessons from this work have applicability to every day management practice. Managers often find themselves in situations where the projects or programs they command are not sufficient in scale or function to achieve important goals. With these methods they need not back away from those goals. hhs, health and human services, florida, north carolina, Collaboration: Networks and PartnershipsInnovationMissions and Programs