John B. Gilmour

John B. Gilmour is a Professor of Government and Associate Director of the Public Policy Program at the College of William & Mary. He teaches courses on American politics, public policy, and budgeting. Before coming to William & Mary in 1995, he taught at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of California at San Diego.

Implementing OMB's Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART): Meeting the Challenges of Integrating Budget and Performance

Professor Gilmour’s report examines OMB's PART initiative from a practical standpoint: How have federal agencies dealt with the requirements of PART? What strategies have they employed to be successful? What challenges do they face? His report highlights four challenges that confront both agencies and OMB as they work to complete assessments of all 1,000 programs and describes approaches that agencies are taking to meet these challenges. The first challenge is for departments and agencies to organize for success. The second challenge of using PARTis communicating accomplishments.

Professor of Government and Associate Director
College of William & Mary Public Policy Program
Williamsburg, VA 23188
United States

John B. Gilmour is a Professor of Government and Associate Director of the Public Policy Program at the College of William & Mary. He teaches courses on American politics, public policy, and budgeting. Before coming to William & Mary in 1995, he taught at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of California at San Diego.

He is the author of two books—Reconcilable Differences? Congress, the Deficit and the Budget Process (University of California Press) and Strategic Disagreement: Stalemate in American Politics (University of Pittsburgh Press), as well as articles in scholarly journals such as the AmericanJournal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, and the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Professor Gilmour received a Ph.D. in political science from the University of California at Berkeley and an A.B in history from Oberlin College.