Richard Boyle, PhD

Richard Boyle, PhD, is Head of Research with the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) in Ireland. He has worked with the IPA since 1986. His main research interests focus on public service modernization, managing for results in the public sector, and developing and implementing effective performance management and evaluation systems. Dr. Boyle has worked with many government departments, state agencies, and nonprofit organizations on performance measurement and evaluation. In addition to working with many Irish public service organizations, he has worked with the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank in promoting performance management and evaluation capacity building. Dr. Boyle has served on the Board of the European Evaluation Society (2001-2005). He is founder and chair of the Irish Evaluation Network. He is a member of the International Evaluation Research Group on Policy and Program Evaluation (INTEVAL). He is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Public Sector Management. Dr. Boyle holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from the University of Liverpool,and a PhD from the University of Manchester.