The deep knowledge of networks of science and medical researchers is invaluable when pandemics and health emergencies occur. But how do you marshal diffuse networks of expertise in a crisis?
Reforming the acquisition system in government is not a simple proposition. That said, a shared vision of the future, and examples for how to ignite that vision, can help move government forward to achieve better outcomes for agencies and citizens alike.
President Obama has said he will sign new legislation that will have far-reaching effects on federal agencies and hundreds of thousands of recipient of federal funds – grantees, contractors, universities, non-profits, states, and localities.
As agency executives look to implement and reinforce cybersecurity as part of their overall IT and programmatic priorities, an important OMB policy and industry implementation framework can provide context and support by enabling sound IT governance.
When times are tight and states have effect performance budgeting processes, they are less likely to use across-the-board cuts. Are there lessons here for the federal government?
Reformers have promoted the notion of performance budgeting since it was introduced by the 1949 Hoover Commission. Major initiatives have been attempted and incremental progress has been achieved. But not enough has happened.
What are the major levers for driving changes in government agencies? Traditional tools are statutory changes, budgetary controls, and executive orders. But one that...