Highlights from the Center’s 25th Anniversary and Book Release Event

We previously posted a short summary of this event, and now welcome all to watch this link to a video of the event; in addition, highlights of our book, including individual chapters, are on our website.
Speakers featured on the video shared great insights, including senior leaders from the current and former Administrations who joined a panel discussion about on how strong management drives mission outcomes:
- Nani Coloretti – Deputy Director, OMB, and Former Deputy Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Scott Gould – CEO, Mountain Lake Associates, LLC and Former Deputy Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs
- Chris Lu – S. Ambassador to the United Nations for Management and Reform, and Former Deputy Secretary, Department of Labor
- Sean O’Keefe– Professor, Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs; Former Administrator of NASA, Deputy Director, OMB, and Secretary of the Navy
Prior to this panel, we also welcomed recipients of the Center’s 25th Anniversary Challenge Grant who wrote chapters for the new book, and shared their expertise on the future of government management and operations. Challenge Grant speakers included:
- Paula Ganga, Visiting Fellow, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University
- Renata Miskell, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Accounting Policy and Financial Transparency, U.S. Department of the Treasury.
- Kayla Schwoerer, Assistant Professor of Public Administration, State University of New York at Albany
We also welcomed leaders of the Center, who told the story of our beginnings and current IBM leaders who support our mission. Center champions included:
- Mark Abramson, President, Leadership Inc. and Former Executive Director, IBM Center for The Business of Government (1998 – 2007)
- Jonathan Breul, Panel Co-Chair, Governance and Management of the Nuclear Security Enterprise, National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Public Administration and Former Executive Director, IBM Center for The Business of Government (2007 – 2012)
- Susan Wedge, Managing Partner, US Public & Federal Market, IBM Consulting
The Partnership for Public Service graciously shared their fantastic space for the event and James-Christian Blockwood, Executive Vice President, Partnership for Public Service, provided a warm welcome.
We thank everyone who joined the event, and all who have collaborated with or read content from the Center over the past 25 years, for contributions to make government more effective and efficient. And we look forward to many more years of collaboration.
Feel free to share, and let us know of opportunities for continued collaboration to improve government!