Introducing the Center’s New Visiting Fellows, Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene

Our Center has been interested in state and local government best practices over the years and we have partnered with Barrett and Greene on two previous efforts. The most recent was, “Off to a Running State Capital Start: A Transition Guide for New Governors and Their Teams,” which provided information to help gubernatorial teams move quickly and set the stage for a successful term in office. Earlier, in 2010, Barrett and Greene authored a blog series centered on the implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This blog ran for over a year and was followed by a series of columns about a variety of government-related topics.
Barrett and Greene have been writing about state and local issues for close to 30 years. Their experience is abundant. They are currently Special Project Consultants at the Volcker Alliance, where they have helped research and write a series of reports examining and evaluating state budget practices. They are also Senior Advisors at the Government Finance Research Center at the University of Illinois in Chicago, advisors to the National Association of State Personnel Executives and fellows at the National Academy of Public Administration.
They were previously columnists for Governing magazine. They wrote a management column in the print publication and authored Governing’s Management e-newsletter, which largely focused on the public sector workforce. They founded the Government Performance Project, which was funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts and published in Governing’s magazine. Through a combination of academic and journalistic approaches, it primarily evaluated the management capacity of all fifty states.
Barrett and Greene have also made contributions of note to the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Association of Government Accountants, the Council of State Governments, the Fels Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, the National Association of State Personnel Executives, the National Association of State Chief Administrators, the National League of Cities, and the Urban Institute.
They are currently columnists and senior advisors for RouteFifty, which covers state and local issues, and are working with publisher Rowman & Littlefield to write a book about performance management, due out in January 2020.
We welcome Barrett and Greene to the Center and look forward to sharing their insights with government leaders!