Weekly Roundup: January 16-20, 2017

Michael J. Keegan
How will Trump lead on tech? The businessman turned reality star turned U.S. president clearly has mastered Twitter, but what will his administration mean for broader technology issues.
Obama codifies PIF program on last morning in office. On the last morning of his presidency, Barack Obama signed a bill that enshrines the Presidential Innovation Fellows program into law, putting a stamp on his legacy of supporting innovation in government technology.
Paul steps aside as PM-ISE. The longtime architect of terrorism-related information sharing efforts will be returning to career SES status and staying in government.
How to foster an innovation culture in government. To close the innovation gap between the public and private sector, governments must become applied learning systems that constantly adapt to change.
Trump's triumph. Steve Kelman suggests the president-elect's brash communication style could prove effective in office as well.
John Kamensky
Trump Budget Cuts Leaked. According to Government Executive: “The incoming Trump administration is backing a budget plan that would eliminate entire agencies and a number of federal programs, according to a Thursday report from The Hill. . . . The Trump team has agreed on many parts of plans prepared last year by the Heritage Foundation and a House caucus known as the Republican Study Committee” to cut $10.5 Trillion over the next decade.
GAO Releases First Fiscal Health Report. Government Executive reports: “the first-ever annual report on fiscal health from the Government Accountability Office warns the incoming president and congressional leaders that federal finances remain on an “unsustainable long-term fiscal path.”
OMB Issues Infrastructure Guidance. Government Executive reports: “With ambitious infrastructure construction mentioned as an agenda priority for the incoming Trump administration, President Obama’s budget office on Friday issued new guidance for agencies intended to boost predictability and transparency of the multi-agency federal permitting process.”
Cyber Exit Interview. NextGov interviewed the federal cyber coordinator, Mitch Daniels, as he prepares to leave office.
E.O. On Background Clearances. Federal News Radio reports: “President Barack Obama signed an executive order late Tuesday afternoon, which amends the governance structure and processes for issuing federal security clearances, as well as suitability and fitness status for employment.” It formalizes the creation of the National Background Investigation Bureau, housed within the Office of Personnel Management.
OPM Exit Interview. Federal News Radio interviewed outgoing head of the Office of Personnel Management leader, Beth Cobert, who highlights progress and offers advice to her yet-unnamed successor.
Obama Management Legacy. Government Executive chronicles the eight years of management reform initiatives undertaken during the Obama Administration.
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The Business of Government Radio Show: Peter Neffenger, Former Administrator, U.S. Transportation Security Administration. What are greatest threats and challenges facing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the next few years? What has TSA done to be more efficient and effectively in meeting its mission? How is TSA pursuing innovative security strategies? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with outgoing TSA administrator Peter Neffenger.
Broadcast Schedule: The show airs Monday at 11 a.m., and Friday at 1 p.m. on Federal News Radio 1500AM WFED