New Research Report Recipients

We are pleased to announce our latest round of awards for new reports on key public sector challenges, which respond to priorities identified in the Center's research agenda. Our content is intended to stimulate and accelerate the production of practical research that benefits public sector leaders and managers.

We expect the following reports to be published starting in early 2022.  Short summaries of each report follow:

What Leaders can Learn from Artists

In her book, Uncharted: How to Navigate the Future, Margaret Heffernan noted that the “work of artists endures because they dare to imagine what they can’t see and allow their minds to leave predetermined paths.” I had the pleasure of interviewing Margaret on The Business of Government Hour to discuss her book and the many cogent leadership insights it offers. She counsels that though we may not all be artists we need their independence and stamina.

Re-Imagining A Public Administration Education Part II

(Note:  this post builds on a blog series about developing an agenda for agile government in schools of public affairs.1)

Weekly Roundup: August 23-27, 2021

DHS stands up new excepted service for cyber talent. The Department of Homeland is launching a new excepted service for cybersecurity talent, according to a new rule scheduled to publish on Thursday. The agency says it'll help it adapt to growing cyber threats and a tight labor market for cybersecurity professionals.

Re-Imagining a Public Administration Education Part I

(Note:  this post builds on a blog series about developing an agenda for agile government in schools of public affairs.1)

Putting the User First: Interview with Maria Roat, Deputy Federal Chief Information Officer

Maria Roat, deputy federal chief information officer within the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) joined me on The Business of Government Hour to share her thoughts and insights on what is next for IT modernization and the role federal IT plays in transforming the lives of its users. Here are edited highlights of our discussion. 

Agile Government: Foundational Skills

(Note:  this post builds on a previous blog in this series about developing an agenda for agile government in schools of public affairs.1)

Using Technology and Analytics to Enhance Stakeholder Engagement in Environmental Decision-Making

Enacted over 50 years ago, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) calls for public participation in the environmental review of proposed actions by U.S. federal agencies. Much has changed in that period from the explosion in technology to the increasing expectation of stakeholders from participation to engagement. 

Mike Stone

Mike is the Global Managing Director in public sector with the Healthcare and Life Sciences group of IBM.

COVID-19’s final phase: How governments can emerge stronger, more resilient

In the 19 months since the World Health Organization announced a peculiar coronavirus-related pneumonia in Wuhan, China, COVID-19 has turned families, businesses, and communities upside-down and inside-out. And also governments. From the US to the UK, from France to the Philippines, and from South Korea to South Africa, they were as thrown off-guard as anyone. More so, even. While the rest of us were mere passengers, they were the public-health pilots of an aircraft that had to be designed, engineered, and rebuilt—all in mid-flight.
