Weekly Roundup September 11, 2015
HIMSS Releases Top Health IT Policy Priorities for Congress. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society has published its annual "congressional asks," naming interoperability, cybersecurity and telehealth as the top policy priorities that lawmakers should address in the next year. Healthcare IT News, Politico's "Morning eHealth." ONC: Rate of EHR Replacements Among Providers Up Significantly. New data show that the percentage of eligible professionals and hospitals that switched electronic health record vendors quadrupled between meaningful use program years 2013 and 2014. Meanwhile, Texas has made $15.3 million in incorrect EHR incentive payments under the Medicaid meaningful use program. Health Data Management et al. Health IT Experts Getting Their Own Health Data, or at Least Trying. Health IT professionals -- like many other patients -- are turning to portals to help manage their own care or their family members' care. Their personal experiences offer several lessons, such as the need for interoperability and how health data access can boost patient engagement. Federal CIO Scott offers a new idea to measuring cyber progress. Federal CIO Tony Scott said because of the wide-spread use of legacy IT systems, agencies should consider a similar approach to cybersecurity to one that manufacturers use when addressing product defects. OPM sees more momentum behind digital hiring, performance tools. OPM is learning how it can use performance appraisal and talent acquisition tools to find candidates in the most efficient and accurate ways. FAA’s Next Gen System experiences turbulence with interoperability. Industry stakeholders told the Government Accountability Office they are concerned about global interoperability with the Next Generation Air Transportation Systems and how modernization efforts around the world have been hampered due to constrained resources. John Kamensky SES Hiring and Promotion Freezes During a Presidential Transition. Jeri Buchholz: Agencies face de facto hiring freeze of senior level employees Creating an On Demand World in Government http://www.govexec.com/excellence/promising-practices/2015/09/imagining-demand-government-uber-world/120599/?oref=river Will There Be a Government Shutdown? http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/09/09/get-ready-experts-say-a-government-shutdown-is-likely/ DOD Cuts Headquarters Ahead of Congressional Action http://federalnewsradio.com/defense/2015/09/defense-directs-extra-cuts-heads-off-congressional-action/ … Becoming Veteran-Centric: From 1,000 websites to One Entry Portal http://federalnewsradio.com/digital-government/2015/09/va-launch-vets-gov-solution-1000-website-problem/ New GAO Report: Greater Transparency Needed in Public Reporting on the Quality of Performance Information for Selected Agencies' Priority Goals. http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-15-788 * * * * * The Business of Government Radio Show: Conversation with Chris Hamm, Director, FEDSIM. What is the mission of GSA’s FEDSIM? What are its strategic priorities? How does FEDSIM work with federal agencies? Join host Michael Keegan and he explores these questions and more with Chris Hamm, Director, Federal Systems Integration & Management Center (FEDSIM).Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and so much more. Broadcast Schedule: The show airs Monday at 11 a.m., and Friday at 1 PM, on Federal News Radio 1500AM WFED If you can't wait, though, you can listen to (or download) this week's program and all our previous interviews at businessofgovernment.org.