G. Martin Wagner

Mr. Wagner was a Senior Fellow of the IBM Center for The Business of Government. Mr. Wagner joined the Center after 31 years of public service. He had most recently restructured and ran GSA's Federal Acquisition Service - the largest government organization delivering acquisition, technology, and management services to federal agencies.
As GSA's chief policy official, Mr. Wagner brought best private sector management practices to the federal government. He was an initiator or facilitator for most of the federal government's management improvement initiatives, including electronic government, lines of business, and FirstGov, now USA.gov.
A founding member of the CIO Council, Mr. Wagner worked effectively with agency program managers, CIOs, CAOs, CFOs, OMB, Congress, and industry. During his career with the federal government, Mr. Wagner received both Meritorious and Distinguished Presidential Rank Awards. The Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive is awarded to 1 percent of the approximately 6,000 career members of the Senior Executive Service (SES).
Mr. Wagner has undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics and engineering from Princeton University.