“As the largest consumer of energy in the U.S. economy, the federal government can and should lead by example when it comes to creating innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, conserve water, reduce waste, and use e
How do you tell the different between when government programs overlap and duplicate each other versus when they complement and reinforce each other in a collaborative network? Is this just a difference in rhetoric or in reality?
Protecting the systems and processes Federal, State, and local entities use to exchange information may seem to be a trade-off in terms of effective sharing, in which more security and privacy would appear to restrict the free flow of information; yet in
In this complex and dynamic world of changing demands, the nature of security today requires that it be conceived more broadly than ever before. Some have called for a new vibrant strategic direction for US national security and foreign policy. Today's co
The use of dashboards in the federal government took off when President Obama released his Open Government initiative in early 2009. Here’s a snapshot of where they are today, and some lessons learned from the pioneers.
By aggressively implementing seven proven, realistic strategies, government agencies can realize sustainable cost savings while, in many cases, improving operational performance.
The deficit showdown reflects a challenge of modern times: how can government – and society – deal with increased complexity? A new book may point the way.