The Obama Administration’s FY 2012 Budget lays a clear path forward for priorities that will garner resources over the next two years. OMB is also pointing the way forward past that, asking whether government can find a way to leverage more commercial ass
Over the past two decades, Congress and the Executive Branch have created a series of “chief officer” positions in agencies, supported by cross-government councils. Council leaders are now changing the way they manage them to boost government efficiency a
The Chief Financial Officer as a strategic business partner: What is HUD’s financial management strategy and how is HUD using financial data to inform its management decision-making?
President Obama signed a memo to all agency heads yesterday with an unwieldy title: “Administrative Flexibility, Lower Costs, and Better Results for State, Local, and Tribal Governments." But it contains the seeds of a potential shift in how the federal g
The Administration has made major strides in making more information transparent, and creating opportunities to use information to participate and collaborate in the processes of government. Agencies and external stakeholders alike must now work to increa
This week, the cybersecurity world convened at the annual RSA conference, one of the major cyber events in the U.S. each year. The Government cyber agenda is a strong part of the conference; how cybersecurity impacts the business of government came throug
What is DoD doing to break down information stovepipes across the military? How has net-centricity changed over time? Join us as we will explore this question and so much more with our very special guest Dave Wennergren, Assistant Deputy Chief Management