Weekly Round-up, June 24, 2011

Articles from across the Web we found interesting, the week of June 20, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Two: Leverage Hyperconnectivity

The technologies that enable hyperconnectivity can be harnessed, ignored, employed on an ad-hoc basis, or incorporated thoughtfully into an agency’s strategy to carry out its mission. The only thing that leaders and managers cannot do with these technologies is make them go away.

From the Pony Express in 1860 to today’s digital revolution, the scope of our connectivity has increased in every dimension.

How Customers Can Energize Your Employees

Adam Grant writes in the June 2011 issue of Harvard Business Review that research shows that customers themselves are “surprisingly effective in motivating people to work harder, smarter, and more productively.” I’ve seen this phenomenon at work in government, as well as in private industry.

I remember the story of a Virginia state trooper who visited the office in the state’s driver’s license bureau responsible for revoking the licens

The Business of Government Magazine – The NEW Spring/Summer 2011 Edition

As with each edition, this issue of The Business of Government magazine has as its focus the core mission of the Center—connecting research to practice as a means to improve public management.

Weekly Round-up: July 01, 2011

Articles from around the Web we found interesting, the week of June 27, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

Seven Imperatives: Imperative Three: Manage through Collaboration

Governments are increasing their use of collaboration by: creating ad hoc networks in response to emergencies, and aligning governmental and nongovernmental organizations to work interdependently to achieve common goals.

Over the past decade, government at all levels made much progress in building collaborative relationships. There are two areas in which government has clearly moved toward increased use of collaboration.

The Meaning of Accountability

The word “accountability” ranks right up there with “freedom,” “justice,” and “democracy” – words commonly used and thought to be understood by all. But that is wrong. It is a term that is complex and misunderstood, and subject to abuse in political discourse.

Weekly Round-up - July 08, 2011

Articles from across the Web that we found interesting, the week of July 04, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Four - Use Real-Time Performance Data

In the coming years, government executives will need to utilize real-time information for decision-making and accountability. Specifically, they must (1) Collect better data; (2) Conduct better analysis; (3) Make better decisions; and (4) Take smarter action.

Government on the Go

In 2012, President Obama’s digital government plan ordered federal agencies to create at least two mobile apps.  A lot has happened since then, and at all levels of government.
