Managing Outcomes: Milestone Contracting in Oklahoma

This report documents examples of milestone contracting between public agencies and social service nonprofit agencies, with a particular focus on a recent innovation in Oklahoma's way of managing its contracts with nonprofit organizations. Oklahoma's milestone contracting specifies a series of distinct and critical achievements and confers payment for a set of collaboratively defined programmatic results. This approach is explored in greater detail by examining Oklahoma's approach, while also thinking through a full range of potential uses of this emerging contract system.

Managing Decentralized Departments: The Case of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Since its creation in 1953 as an amalgam of several existing agencies, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (originally the Department of Health, education and Welfare) has struggled to find the appropriate balance between centralized functions in the Office of the Secretary and autonomy to the various agencies and bureaus contained within its boundaries. Over the years, the pendulum has swung back and forth between emphasis on centralization and decentralization.

Managing Across Boundaries: A Case Study of Dr. Helene Gayle and the AIDS Epidemic

A major challenge facing the public sector in the years ahead will be to manage across boundaries. To better understand the challenge of boundary-spanning management, this report profiles Dr. Helen Gayle, Director of the National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHSTP) at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In her role as Director of the Center, Dr. Gayle is responsible for working closely with the United Nations and other international organizations and nations in combating the AIDS epidemic. Collaboration: Networks and Partnerships

Managing "Big Science:" A Case Study of the Human Genome Project

This report reviews the history of management of the National Human Genome Project at the National Institutes of Health, the federal government's largest science project since the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Apollo Project. The Human Genome Project involved scientists around the world "working around the clock" for over 15 years. The study focuses on Project Director Francis Collins, who has overseen the successful completion of several of the Genome Project's goals.

Making Public Sector Mergers Work

Mergers and consolidations of government agencies and departments raise significant policy and management dilemmas for public sector leaders. This research project examines the theory and practice of public sector mergers at the federal and state levels with two main goals: (1) to provide broad guidance to policy makers on how to analyze proposed mergers, (2) give practical advice to agency and department managers on how to respond to the many challenges created when several independent public organizations suddenly become one.

Making Performance-Based Contracting Perform: What Federal Departments and Agencies Can Learn From State and Local Governments

This report identifies several best practices of performance-based contracting for general government services (excluding health and human services). The best practices are used to construct several case studies demonstrating the creative combination of output, quality and outcome performance standards and, payment mechanisms to influence contracting behavior. Contracting


Linking Performance and Budgeting: Opportunities in the Federal Budget Process

This report presents an overview and history of performance budgeting in the federal government. Professor Joyce presents a comprehensive view of how performance information can be used at the various stages of the budget process: preparation, approval, execution, and audit and evaluation.

Life after Civil Service Reform: The Texas, Georgia, and Florida Experiences

As with the federal government, states and local governments are examining alternatives to the traditional civil service system. This report examines civil service reform programs in Texas, Georgia, and Florida. Human Capital Management

Leveraging Technology in the Service of Diplomacy: Innovation in the Department of State

This report focuses on seeking out examples of information technology applications that advance the practice of diplomacy. Best practices in government agencies, international organizations and foreign ministries of other countries are highlighted. Technology and E-Government

Leveraging Networks: A Guide for Public Managers Working Across Organizations

This project examines the changing operational challenges faced by today’s public managers as they participate in collaborative undertakings with other governments and the nongovernmental sector. The lessons are derived from experiences in several Midwestern states, where many established networks operate. Collaboration: Networks and PartnershipsMissions and Programs

