Leveraging Networks to Meet National Goals: FEMA and the Safe Construction Networks

This report analyzes the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) work with the private sector in implementing FEMA's goals via public-private partnerships. The project includes an assessment of FEMA's Project Impact Program. The objective of the study is to assess and compare the achievement of national policy goals through private sector partnerhsip programs. Collaboration: Networks and PartnershipsMissions and Programs


Leadership for Change: Case Studies in American Local Government

This report profiles three outstanding local government executives – Robert O’Neill, Jan Perkins, and Phil Penland -- who have served in various local governments over the years. The study profiles the change activities of these city/county managers as they have sought to transfer a set of values and a methodology for leading change into a new setting. Case studies are developed on the change activities of each of these managers, drawing out lessons from their experiences that might suggest a model of leading change in American local governments. Leadership

Labor-Management Partnerships: A New Approach to Collaborative Management

This report addresses the issues of privatization through a study of the Indianapolis privatization and labor-management partnership experience. The study verifies the success of the Indianapolois labor-management partnership and identifies the factors that led to its success. Through interviews with key participants, focus groups, survey research, and data analysis, a complete picture of the Indianapolis privatization and their labor-management experience is consolidated and a conceptual model of collaborative management for the public sector is developed and tested.

IT Outsourcing: A Primer for Public Managers

This report assesses the potential of using application service providers (ASPs) for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public information and service delivery. Renting application services allows government to use the most advanced applications and technology at an affordable rate. ASPs address such e-government challenges such as lack of technology-trained staff, capital investment, implementation and maintenance, and uncertainty associated with fast-pace technological changes. Market-Based Government

Internet Voting: Bringing Elections to the Desktop

This report explores the benefits, detriments, and legal issues of Internet voting. The study empirically examines the first U.S. poltical election to include internet voting (the Arizona Democratic presidential primary, March 2000). Technology and E-Government

Innovation in the Administration of Public Airports

This report examines the innovative approaches taken by five publicly owned and operated airports to adjust to the evolution of America’s air transport system. The study provides examples of how to make public enterprises more efficient, and includes a study of innovation as a critical component of the American transportation system. Innovation

Innovation in E-Procurement: The Italian Experience

Italy's new public procurement system, created through Consip--a public company owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance--is the focus of this report. Consip created a new information technology platform and new operational procedures for public acquisitions that included an electronic catalog, online auctions, and an electronic marketplace. Working as a public company, Consip was designed to minimize red tape, recruit a highly educated workforce, and be more responsive to clients.

Implementing State Contracts for Social Services: An Assessment of the Kansas Experience

This report examines how the State of Kansas, like many other states, is reconsidering the structure of service delivery for many of its social welfare programs. Like other states, Kansas has opted to "privatize" or contract several components of its social welfare services. In the areas of Medicaid and welfare program, Kansas has been very aggressive in examining the possibilities of alternative service delivery strategies. The study examines contracting for case management services in the Medicaid program. Missions and Programs

Implementing Alternative Sourcing Strategies: Four Case Studies

Four case studies highlight how organizations have implemented outsourcing, competitive sourcing, and public-private partnerships to achieve savings and better performance. First is NASA's initiative to outsource its computer desktop maintenance to the private sector. The second illustrates the use of competitive sourcing by the IRS as part of its effort to modernize. The third, Offutt Air Force Base's decision to compete more than 1,500 positions, is an example of the military’s efforts to shift more active duty personnel from support to combat-oriented positions.

Human Capital Reform: 21st Century Requirements for the United States Agency for International Development

The report presents 50 recommendations for reforming human capital in the U.S. Agency for International Development. The recommendations were developed at a Forum hosted by the National Policy Association in October 2002 at the Belmont Conference Center in Elkridge, Maryland. Human Capital Management

