State Government E-Procurement in the Information Age: Issues, Practices, and Trends

This report seeks to understand how Information Technology (IT) contributes to the effectiveness of state procurement management and to increase knowledge to improve future applications of IT in state and local government procurement management systems. Technology and E-Government


SeaPort: Charting a New Course for Professional Services Acquisition for America's Navy

The project presents a case study of the SeaPort operation, established by the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) as a faster, better, and cheaper way of procuring over half a billion dollars worth of professional support services necessary to support the Navy’s mission around the world.

San Diego County's Innovation Program: Using Competition and a Whole Lot More to Improve Public Services

This report focuses on the lessons learned during the first year of welfare-to-work managed competition in San Diego County, California, where for-profit, non-profit and government organizations competed for welfare-to-work case management service contracts in an effort to cut costs and improve the quality of services. The lessons learned from San Diego are used to make recommendations for other jurisdictions that may consider introducing competition to the public sector. Innovation

Rethinking U.S. Environmental Protection Policy: Management Challenges for a New Administration

This report assesses the current command-and-control approaches to federal environmental management. In addition, the study examines the forces driving corporations to integrate environmental management into their overall business strategies and provides recommendations for revising public environmental management policy. The report also examines the role of EPA in the next administration to leverage the potential of private sector environmental management practices.Green

Results of the Government Leadership Survey

Will the federal government be able to recruit and retain employees with the qualities needed for leaders in the future? To help answer that question, the IBM Center for The Business of Government surveyed career and noncareer members of the federal Senior Executive Service (SES). Survey results showed that federal executives have a new vision of leadership and think that changes in current leadership systems will help make the vision a reality. Human Capital ManagementLeadership

Religious Organizations, Anti-Poverty Relief, and Charitable Choice: A Feasibility Study of Faith-Based Welfare Reform in Mississippi

Using several different research methodologies, this report examines the feasibility of church-based welfare reform. The study compares church programs with government assistance in the delivery of welfare services. The results address the viability of improving government services and the impact that welfare reform has on social inequality within families, religious congregations, and local communities. Innovation


Reflections on Mobility: Case Studies of Six Federal Executives

This report offers case studies of five current federal career executives, each of whom accomplished major changes in several different federal agencies. The study identifies common factors in their experiences that led to their inter-agency mobility. These factors provide useful guidelines for creating incentives to encourage more widespread mobility in the future and allow federal executives to consciously plan for greater career mobility to ensure a more flexible and responsive government. Human Capital Management Leadership

Public-Sector Information Security: A Call to Action for Public-Sector CIOs

This report expands upon the themes and issues raised at a forum on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection sponsored by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). At the forum, held in November 2001, conference participants identified a series of actions designed to combat emerging cyber-threats to security and critical infrastructure. Subsequent to the Forum, NASCIO asked Don Heiman, former Chief Information Officer of the State of Kansas, to develop recommendations for improving public-sector information security.

Public-Private Strategic Partnerships: The U.S. Postal Service-Federal Express Alliance

In recent years, postal services around the world have been transformed, adopting private sector operational modes and efficiencies. Services have acquired for-profit firms in delivery, logistics and freight forwarding, or established strategic alliances with them. This project reviews government and for profit postal operation alliances around the world to identify the best practices to guide future alliances. usps, postal service, federal express, Collaboration: Networks and Partnerships

Profiles in Excellence: Conversations with the Best of America's Career Executive Service

This report consists of a series of in-depth interviews with senior executives in government who have been identified as outstanding leaders. The study attempts to determine the characteristics that have most centrally contributed to the success of these senior executives. Leadership

