How Can AI Help Government Improve?

with Claude Yusti, Tatiana Sokolova, and Alayna Kennedy

Government leaders and stakeholders find that artificial intelligence (AI) can help to address significant mission and performance challenges – and that agencies would benefit from increased sharing of effective practices and lessons learned.

Advancing Artificial Intelligence in Government: Perspectives from Agency Innovators and Experts from Academia and Industry

The content discussed at the event was based on two studies that the Center for the Business of Government produced earlier this year.  Below we summarize the content from this discussion, with links to the audio and video files.


Government Reform over the Past 20 Years - Part 1, Going Digital

In the IBM Center’s new book, Government For The Future:  Reflection and Vision for Tomorrow’ Leaders, we have identified six major trends that have driven government management reforms.  Today we begin a six-part series where we highlight each trend; part one summarizes the course and impact of digital government.   For more detail, see our digital chapter.

The IBM Center Marks a 20-Year Milestone

In 1998, a group of leaders in the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoo­pers (PwC) created a new organization: The PricewaterhouseCoopers Endowment for The Business of Government. The Endowment’s goal was simple: to encour­age academic research on topics of import for government managers, and to increase understanding about what works in government.

Government for the Future: Reflection and Vision for Tomorrow’s Leaders

At any given moment in time, governments in the United States and around the globe carry out key missions in service of their citizens, learn from and engage with partners in other sectors, and act as cost-effective stewards of public resources. The countless positive daily actions of government leaders go largely unrecognized amidst a constant focus on the highly visible but far smaller set of challenges and problems faced by the public sector.

Learning from the Past to Anticipate the Future: A New Center Book Assesses the Long Arc of Government Reform

At any given moment in time, governments in the United States and around the globe are carrying out key missions in service of their citizens, learning from and engaging with partners in other sectors, and acting as cost-effective stewards of public resources. The countless positive daily actions of government leaders go largely unrecognized amidst a constant focus on the highly visible but far smaller set of challenges and problems faced by the public sector.

Remembering a Great Cyber Leader

John Lainhart, a leader and influencer of great impact in the Federal IT security world, sadly passed away last week.  John’s remarkable career spanned both civilian and military leadership roles as a government official, as well as nearly two decades as a successful industry executive that included service as the IBM Center for The Business of Government’s Cybersecurity Fellow.  It is with the highest respect and admiration that we remember John’s great influence in the Federal cybersecurity and audit communities.

Bringing the Next Generation of Talent into the Business of Government

I recently had the privilege of learning about the “Civic Digital Fellows” program, an opportunity for innovative college students to help government by developing new technology applications that help agencies deliver their missions more effectively and efficiently.  The story of the program is a great examples of how an entrepreneurial idea can lead to a model of how government can improve performance by accessing new ideas and talent.  The IBM Center is pleased to publish a guest blog from the program’s founder, Chris Kuang, below.


How Can Blockchain Technology Help Government Drive Economic Activity?

Post 3 (of 3): A Blueprint Discussion on Provenance and Supply Chains

By Guest Bloggers: Thomas Hardjono, MIT Connection Science and Pete Teigen, IBM

Understanding Blockchain’s Promise for Government

With Guest Blogger Pete Teigen, IBM Global Business Services

Today, the government moved forward significantly in the technology space, evidenced by a congressional resolution about the promise of blockchain.  The resolution, authored by Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) on behalf of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, notes that “blockchain has incredible potential that must be nurtured through support for research and development and a thoughtful and innovation-friendly regulatory approach.”


Executive Director
IBM Center for The Business of Government
600 14th Street, NW
Second Floor
Washington, DC 20005
United States
(703) 627-5108

Dan Chenok is Executive Director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government. He oversees all of the Center's activities in connecting research to practice to benefit government, and has written and spoken extensively around government technology, cybersecurity, privacy, regulation, budget, acquisition, and Presidential transitions. Mr. Chenok previously led consulting services for Public Sector Technology Strategy, working with IBM government, healthcare, and education clients.

Mr. Chenok serves in numerous industry leadership positions. He is a CIO SAGE and member of the Research Advisory Council with the Partnership for Public Service, Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, Member of the Board of Directors and Chair of the Policy Committee for the Senior Executives Association, Member of the Government Accountability Office Polaris Advisory Council for Science and Technology, and Member of the American University IT Executive Council. Previously, he served as Chair of the Industry Advisory Council (IAC) for the government-led American Council for Technology (ACT), Chair of the Cyber Subcommittee of the DHS Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee, Chair of the NIST-sponsored Federal Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, and an Adjunct Associate Professor with the U of Texas LBJ School of Public. He is also a three-time member of Cyber and Cloud Computing commissions with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Mr. Chenok also generally advises public sector leaders on a wide range of management issues.

Before joining IBM, Mr. Chenok was a Senior Vice President for Civilian Operations with Pragmatics, and prior to that was a Vice President for Business Solutions and Offerings with SRA International.

As a career Government executive, Mr. Chenok served as Branch Chief for Information Policy and Technology with the Office of Management and Budget, where he led a staff with oversight of federal information and IT policy, including electronic government, computer security, privacy and IT budgeting. Prior to that, he served as Assistant Branch Chief and Desk Officer for Education, Labor, HHS, and related agencies in OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Mr. Chenok began his government service as an analyst with the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, and left government service at the end of 2003.

In 2008, Mr. Chenok served on President Barack Obama’s transition team as the Government lead for the Technology, Innovation, and Government Reform group, and as a member of the OMB Agency Review Team.

Mr. Chenok has won numerous honors and awards, including a 2010 Federal 100 winner for his work on the presidential transition, the 2016 Eagle Award for Industry Executive of the Year, and the 2002 Federal CIO Council Azimuth Award for Government Executive of the Year.

Mr. Chenok earned a BA from Columbia University and a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.