Best practices for developing a CCS are the same as those necessary for developing non-cognitive systems: Organizations must uncover requirements, follow a robust methodology, and involve skilled developers, project managers, and users to ensure successful development.
Saturday, March 13, 1993: The snow was starting to come down faster, but Bob Stone, Bob Knisely and myself were completely absorbed in excited chatter about what we should say when we were to meet with Vice President Al Gore the next day.
Organizations need to be strategic when designing CCSs and choose between a low-hanging-fruit initiative and a bold challenge. Then, they need to ensure the proper infrastructure is in place, both internally and externally, to complete the project successfully.
University research is a big business. It totals about $75 billion a year. About $42 billion of this is from federal grants. But do federally-imposed administrative requirements divert researchers to focus on non-value-added activities and stymie the effectiveness of their research?