Friday, November 19, 2010
What we found interesting the week of November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Chief Financial Officers Act is 20 years old. The goal of a clean financial statement is still a futuristic vision. Is it time to give up and try something else?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Several recent reports recommend ways to improve performance in US Government information technology (IT) programs. These recommendations focus on how agencies buy and oversee IT from companies. A key recommendation? Bite-sized chunks are better, and inde
Friday, November 12, 2010
What we found interesting from across the Web this week.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Voters have signaled that they aren’t happy with the role of government. Surveys also say they are upset with government employees and don’t trust government. Yet research shows that citizens base their perceptions on their personal experiences. So would
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Articles that we found interesting this week.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Obama Administration is committed to using technology to better engage citizens in their government. Ironically, legislation crafted in the 1950s to open citizen access to government documents may be a barrier to today’s Open Government initiatives.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Notable articles from the week of October 25, 2010.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What the various kinds of citizen 2.0 want, how government mangers can give it to them, and why they should bother making volunteering more inviting.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
OMB recently reached out to government and industry leaders for new approaches to making good tech ideas work. The first wave of recommendations is in, and OMB is now looking at them for things that it can act on now. Key recommendations build on past ide


Center Blog Series

The Center maintains several blog series written by our Fellows and those in academia and the nonprofit world.  Our blog series include:

Tax Modernization Series by Peggy Bogadi, Florian Breger, and Sharon Moore

Agile Government, Why Now by Angela Evans

Improving Outcomes in Government through Data and Intelligent Automation by The IBM Center for The Business of Government and the Partnership for Public Service

Distance Work in the Time of COVID by John Kamensky

Community Resilience and Reshaping Government during COVID by Donald F. Kettl

Managing Risk in the Public Sector by Dan Chenok and Michael J. Keegan

Business of Government Stories (the people behind the management evolution) by Dan Chenok, John Kamensky, and guest authors

State and Local Government Best Practices by Katherine Barrett and Richard Greene

Government Performance Management - a video series by Praja Trivedi