Shared Services and Improving Employee Experience

Guest Bloggers: Bradley K. Kistler, Associate Partner and Maggie Pool, Managing Consultant - US Federal Talent Transformation, IBM

All of these points hold true today; however, shared services providers are now faced with new customer needs focused on employee experience, creating stress on existing technology and operating models.

Fatigue: A Hidden Challenge to the Public Sector Workforce

The dedicated government officials we were observing had started their days at the crack of dawn preparing for the work ahead, and then were in back-to-back meetings for hours on end. By late afternoon, we noticed that many could barely keep their eyes open (and at least a few failed in that effort, at least for a few seconds at a time).

Richard A. Spires, Government Can Deliver

Richard brings substantial experience in consulting for private sector companies and in working directly for government agencies.

Digital innovation: from “tech problems” to “redesigning governance”

This is the fifth in a series of articles stemming from the National Academy of Public Administration’s Standing Panel on Technology Leadership as part of its Call to Action on Responsibly Using AI to Benefit Public Service at all Levels of Government.

How government can leverage technology and innovation to enhance security

New threats and domains for warfare include cyber and space, along with disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum. Dealing with these issues necessitates an enhanced partnership across governments and within industry.  Achieving mission readiness is growing more complex and requires dynamic defense technology solutions.

Strengthening the Future of the AUKUS Partnership

New threats and domains for warfare continually emerge. These include cyber and space along with disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum. Dealing with these threats necessitates an enhanced partnership across governments and within industry.

Chris Nott

Chris Nott is chief technology officer for Defence and Security at IBM. His expertise in digital transformation using hybrid cloud and AI and broad understanding of emerging technologies is sought by defence departments around the world. He influences strategic thinking by conveying complex technical concepts to senior officers and executives in an understandable way.

Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen is senior lecturer at the National Security College, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. He is the author of When Proliferation Causes Peace: The Psychology of Nuclear Crises (Georgetown UP: 2017), which was reviewed by the late Robert Jervis as a “significant contribution to our knowledge,” and co-editor of North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Entering the New Era of Deterrence (Georgetown UP: 2017). His expertise on the North Korean nuclear threat has been sought by and presented to the U.S.

Artificial Intelligence and Public Service: Key New Challenges

This is the fourth in a series of articles stemming from the National Academy of Public Administration’s Standing Panel on Technology Leadership as part of its Call to Action on Responsibly Using AI to Benefit Public Service at all Levels of Government.
