Strategic Initiatives: Roundtables and Partnerships - Year in Review 2023

Future Shocks Initiative.  The IBM Center for The Business of Government and the IBM Institute for Business Value, and in partnership with the National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) and a range of other partners, launched the “Future Shocks” initiative to help government leaders further identify core capabilities critical to building resilience.

Highlights from the IBM Center Blog -- Year in Review 2023

Transforming the Business of Government – Reflections on a Quarter Century’s Work

This week, the IBM Center for The Business of Government was honored to host many leaders to commemorate the Center’s 25th anniversary.   With this post, we share some observations and images about the event and a first view of the book.

Interviews from The Business of Government Hour - Year in Review 2023

My goal each week on The Business of Government Hour is straightforward: to interview key government executives and thought leaders who are tackling significant challenges and seizing opportunities to lead. This is a list highlighting some key interviews broadcasted in 2023. 

Leveraging Technology to Transform GEOINT: A Conversation with Chris Johnson, Acting Chief Technology Officer, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA)

What is the mission of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency’s CIO-T directorate? How is NGA maximizing the use of technology to meet its mission? What are the technology priorities for NGA? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Chris Johnson, Acting Chief Technology Officer at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.
Broadcast Date: 
Monday, January 8, 2024 - 13:52

Transforming the Business of Government - Insights on Resiliency, Innovation, and Performance

Governments face increasingly serious, seemingly intractable public management challenges that go to the core of effective governance and leadership, testing the very form, structure, and capacity required to meet and overcome such challenges. Many problems facing public sector leaders are wickedly complex, do not respect bureaucratic boundaries, and are nonlinear and fluid in nature, “where very small effects may produce disproportionate impacts.” In many ways, traditional government approaches seem obsolete and incapable of meeting evolving complexity. Prescriptions

Weekly Roundup: January 1-5, 2024

Cyber risks to defense industrial supply chains are ‘substantially worse’ than other concerns. There is an outright conflict between cybersecurity and supply chain risk management (SCRM), and simply adding those together can lead to an increase in cyberattacks, a new report finds.

Workforce: Insights on Resiliency

Insights detailed in this chapter derive from the IBM Center blog, Preparing Government Workforces for Future Shocks as well as informed by the Future Shock roundtable discussion and resources.

Sustainability: Insights on Resiliency

Insights detailed in this chapter derive from the IBM Center report, Preparing Governments for Future Shocks: Building Climate Resilience, as well as informed by the Future Shock roundtable discussion and resources.
