Spring/Summer 2012 Edition
Submitted by MPanchal on Thu, 06/28/2012 - 19:21

The Business of Government Magazine - Spring/Summer 2012 Edition

From the Executive Director

From the Managing Editor's Desk

A Conversation with Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General, U.S. Government Accountability Office

A Conversation with Michael J. Astrue Commissioner, U.S. Social Security Administration

A Conversation with Erin Conaton Undersecretary of the U.S. Air Force

A Conversation with Admiral Robert Papp Commandant, United States Coast Guard

A Conversation with Letitia Long Director, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Malcolm Jackson

Michael Kane

Steven Kempf

Leading New York City’s Response to the Challenge of Homelessness: Insights from Seth Diamond, Commissioner, New York City Department of Homeless Services

Revitalizing Public Service: Insights from Max Stier President and CEO, Partnership for Public Service

Getting Big Things Done in Government

Introduction: Governing to Win—Enhancing National Competitiveness

How Can Our Nation Better Compete to Win in the Global Economy Today?

Governance Is the New Competitiveness Imperative

Creating a Strategic Approach to Budget Decisions

Use Technology to Enhance Productivity

Rethink Government Purchasing and Supply Chains

Reform of the Federal IT Budget - Increasing Strategy, Decreasing Complexity