Fall/Winter 2012 Edition
Submitted by MPanchal on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 17:37

From the Executive Director

From the Managing Editor's Desk

A Conversation with Francis Collins, MD, PhD Director, National Institutes of Health

A Conversation with Debbie Matz, Chairman, National Credit Union Administration

A Conversation with Kshemendra Paul, Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment

A Conversation with Danny Werfel, Controller Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget

A Conversation with Dr. Peter L. Levin, Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Chief Technology Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Science, Service, and Stewardship: Insights from Joe Klimavicz, Chief Information Officer and Director, High Performance Computing and Communications, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Introduction: Governing in the Next Four Years

Mission Support: Managing a Balancing Act

Joined-Up Management: A Next Step in Cross-Agency Collaboration

Participation in an Age of Social Media

The Next Four Years: Intelligence Community Reform Refining, not Rebooting

Fast Gov—An Upcoming Book by the IBM Center

A New Federal Performance Framework

Road Hazards: Recognizing the Risks of Social Media

Performance Budgeting in the States: An Assessment

Key Actions That Contribute to Successful Program Implementation: Lessons from the Recovery Act

Challenge.gov: Using Competitions and Awards to Spur Innovation

Five Methods for Measuring Unobserved Events: A Case Study of Federal Law Enforcement

Designing Open Projects: Lessons From Internet Pioneers