Managing the human, behavioral and cultural aspects of change and motivating key leadership executives to buy into the change is critical to the success of IT Governance that supports an agency’s IT security program.
President Obama’s final budget puts a stake in the ground for his long-running agenda to inject the use of data and evidence into budget, policy, and operational decisions.
The holy grail of interoperability would involve moving information seamlessly from one system to another, and allowing the receiving system to treat the incoming data as native to its system.
In January 2017, the next administration will begin the hard work of implementing the President’s priorities. Regardless of the specific policies, implementation in many cases will require working across agency boundaries. Addressing cross-agency prioriti
Agency use of social media must follow general standards of care regarding government conduct; a ruling concerning an EPA social media campaign was recently issued by the GAO to address potential propaganda and lobbying issues.
Optimal value can be realized from leveraging IT Governance only if it is effectively adopted and adapted to suit each enterprise’s unique environment.