IRMCO 2010

This week the General Services Administration (GSA) is hosting its 49th annual Interagency Resources Management Conference. An estimated 300 Chief Acquisition Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Human Capital Officers, Inspectors General, program managers and other senior executive leaders are attending. It is the most well known government-wide, government-only conference where leaders delve into emerging management issues and how they are being confronted.

Open Gov Plans Released, And . . .

. . . Both the White House and the Open Government advocacy groups plan to assess them. No good deed goes unnoticed!

Seven Drivers of Government Transformation: The Center Looks Ahead

In 2018, the IBM Center for The Business of Government marks its twentieth year of connecting research to practice in helping to improve government.  The IBM Center con­tinues to execute on its ultimate mission: to assist public sector executives and manag­ers in addressing real world problems with practical ideas and original thinking to improve government.

Australian Management Reform

I received a GovLoop tweet alerting me to a new report, optimistically titled: “Ahead of the Game: Blueprint for the Reform of the Australian Government Administration.” Australia has long served as a source of innovation and inspiration in government reforms, so I eagerly downloaded and read it.

"Desperately Seeking a Watchdog"

Today, in an editorial, the New York Times called for a presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed leader of the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Noting that the interim Comptroller General, Gene Dodaro "has served ably," the Times editorial concludes that "without a presidentially appointed and Senate-confirmed leader, the agency lacks the power and validation to pursue its mission to the fullest. Mr. Obama can choose form the names he has been given, or request more.

Open Gov Plans Countdown

Next week, agency Open Government Plans are due to the Office of Management and Budget.

Middle Managers in a Web 2.0 World

Eliminating middle managers was the vogue in 1990s-style reforms. Flatten the organization! After all, it was the middle managers who “sucked the life out of an organization” by filtering information, gatekeeping decisions, and smothering innovation.

But today, we’re beginning to hear praise for middle managers as being the connecting glue and the nodes of cross-organizational networks.

What’s going on here??

But will it work?

The Congress has passed and the President has signed the new health care reform legislation. But, will it work?

Outsourcing – is it a bad word?

Guest blogger: Brenda Decker, IBM Global Government Industry


Weekly Roundup: October 30 – November 3, 2017

IT Reforms Create Breathing Room.  NextGov reports: “Obama-era technology modernization programs and legislation are beginning to have a substantial effect freeing up IT budget money, but there’s a long way left to go, industry executives said during a Professional Services Council market forecast Wednesday. . . .
