b'Conversations with Leadersgovernment programs, conduct real-time analyses andThe comptroller general has some unique responsibilities technology assessments, identify high-risk issues, and provideto set Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards decisions on bid protests and appropriation law. The agency(GAGAS). These standards must be followed by anybody has also established a new science and technology teamauditing federal funds, whether its a state auditor or to meet Congress growing need for information on cuttingan independent public accountant. I am also the chief edge issues like artificial intelligence and infectious diseasespokesperson for the GAO testifying before the Congress modeling. Most recently, GAO has been evaluating the largestand doing media interviews. Lastly, the comptroller general response to a national emergency in U.S. history with thealso represents the country on the governing board of The trillions of dollars expend in COVID-19 response legislation.International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutionsone of the largest nonpolitical international organizations in Our organization follows the strategic objectives outlinedthe world. We set international standards for public sector in the GAO strategic plan. That plan focuses on what weauditing and provide technical assistance to national audit need to do to serve the Congress and the nation. We haveoffices that are in developing countries to help improve their subject area teams that are filled with experts in health care,capacity and performance.defense, energy, transportation, and natural resources. Were organized in subject areas covering the entire breadth andOn Management Challenges scope of the federal governments responsibilities in additionThere are several management challenges associated with to technical teams in science, technology assessments, andleading an organization like GAO. Having a strong focus analytics team; a financial management and assurance team;on risk management is very important given the audit and information technology and cybersecurity team; a team thatassessment work we do. I know every audit engagement that focuses on contracting issues across government; and anwere going to start. I weigh in. We establish a risk level for applied research and methods team. We do close to seventhat audit engagement, high, medium, or low based upon hundred projects a year. Our budget is a little over $700the controversy of the subject, its complexity, methodology million. We have 3,400 people right now at the GAO.being used, and the anticipated cost of that project. On Being Comptroller GeneralAnother significant challenge: ensuring we have the right The comptroller general is a multifaceted role. First off, theresources to carry out our responsibilities. This involves comptroller general is appointed. A ten-member bicameral,making a strong case for properly funding the agency before bipartisan commission of congressional leaders recommendsthe House and Senate Appropriations Committees. We individuals to the president. The president then appoints thehave met that challenge by demonstrating GAOs return-on-comptroller general to a fifteen-year term with the consent investment. Over the last five years, GAO has returned $158 of the Senate. for every dollar spent along with all the valuable information provided by GAO to help Congress make informed decisions. My most important responsibilities are to make sure were supporting the Congress in carrying out its constitutional responsibilities while also enhancing the performance and accountability of the government for the benefit of the American people. I have good working relationships with the Congress, meeting with chairs and ranking members of congressional committees to ensure GAO is responsive to congressional priorities. I also maintain effective relationships with the Executive Branch departments and agencies. When appointments are made, I reach out to new department and agency leaders to discuss how we are going to work together. While were an independent organization in the Legislative Branch, I always want to have good, constructive working relationships with the executive agencies that we audit to encourage them to voluntarily adopt our recommendations and suggestions. 2022 IBM Center for The Business of Government 17'