b'Managementforecasting accuracy help them properly manage resources for optimal asset allocation.In addition, the study examines the influence of analytics use in SC activities to generate growth opportunities for the organization. This outcome also pertains to public organizations that wish to expand operations and service opportunities. Using analytics, organizations can identify innovative opportunities to capitalize on temporary advantages driven through SC activities. For instance, the analysis of inventory and resources capacity across the supply chain can result in better availability of products, reduced shipping time, customized services, and customer analysis. As such, analytics use can enable organizational executives to anticipate and hence exploit emerging opportunities for driving growth.Framework III: The final framework examines analytics Framework II: The second framework examines the influenceusage through more granular dimensions: 1) Analytics use of analytics usage on SC performance outcomes: 1) Assetfor Optimization; 2) Analytics use for Learning. In addition, Productivity; 2) Organizational Growth. Furthermore, thisthis framework examines the mechanisms through which framework examines the moderating effect of a dynamiceach of these dimensions of analytics usage influences environment that influences the degree to which analyticsorganizational decision-making capability These two distinct usage can impact each component of SC performance. patterns of analytics usage involve different analytics approaches and applications: Despite the optimism expressed about the benefits of SC optimization activities generally use advanced analytics usage in the SC context, there has not beenmathematical programming algorithms to evaluate substantial empirical support for this direct link. For effectivealternative solutions to highly structured problems, using use of analytics in SCM, it is essential that such tools are fullyhighly structured data.assimilated within SCM processes. SCM processes are clearly noted to be of great complexity since they can involve varied SC learning activities make use of analytics which apply roles and tasks (e.g., purchasing, inventory managementa broader array of tools and address solutions for a network optimization, etc.).wider range of questions posed. They may analyze both programmable and nonprogrammable questions using The results found that analytics usage directly influences thestructured or unstructured data.following two fundamental components of SC performance. Many organizations wish to capitalize on analytics. Asset productivity is a primary measure used to assess SCHowever, many entities take a haphazard approach with performance with established measurements includingno a-priori design strategy. The public entity should first turnover rate and return on assets. Organizations canunderstand the objectives of analytics initiatives before potentially use analytics to collect and integrate informationcommitting organizational resources. from various sources along the supply chain and consequently disseminate such aggregated knowledge to SC decision-making capability is fundamental to the key decision-makers.organizations SC strategy. Analytics usage can enhance both speed and quality of the collection, analysis, and The knowledge derived from analytics usage can mitigatedissemination of information for organizational decision-certain levels of uncertainty about managing inventoriesmaking. Supply chain executives have traditionally made and demand capacity. With smoother management of thegut decisions rather than using analytical intelligence. supply chain, an organization can operate with leaner assetThere may also be incongruent goals among the different inventories while also ensuring that financial and inventorydecision-makers across the various partners of theassets are not fully depleted. Analytics usage can enablesupply network. more accurate predictions that allow asset managers greater 94 www.businessofgovernment.org The Business of Government'