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b'InsightsOne branch concentrates on the data management activitiesWhat are your top management challenges and the second branch concentrates on the knowledgethat you face in your position and how are you management. The office was built specifically so we haveaddressing these challenges? influence over the entire data lifecycle components. With our first 100 days behind us, Im at the point where We began looking at what the organization should look like,I can take a step back and reflect on challenges weve and resources needed to start the hard work of evolving DISAsencountered and pivot our responses to them. Acquiring the current view of data and knowledge management practices.right resources from the beginning is a key challenge. We Its purpose was to spearhead the agencys approach to thehad to solicit data governance support resources and we evolution of our data management: How to make use of all thewrote some documents with the words of an established vital data we have and turn it into information for the internalCDO entity. We quickly learned we needed to pivot and and external DISA components to leverage at the center ofadjust the support that was needed in the first phases of gravity. A key goal is to have the data high ground that willbuilding this office. enable actionable decision-making capabilities for the agency. The next challenge was the importance of communicating The Chief Data Office resides under the direction of the DISAto the workforce. The CDO team is about innovation and chief information officer, Mr. Roger Greenwell, and is in thenot disruption. We are not here to completely turn data use newly created center, the Enterprise Integration Innovationupside down but to see how we can mature with our use of Center. This center houses the chief information officer, thedataillustrating the case for change to them. This is very chief technology officer, and the chief data officer, and ourexciting. Im so thrilled to be able to craft something out of risk and security management division, and our operationsnothing. It took about four months for us to create the plan engineering division. So, having all these different entitiesand begin implementing that plan for the office. Though it together, it really helped to craft a center that is creating anmay be very challenging, I very much enjoy watching things ecosystem that starts with ideas and ends with realization. grow and seeing the need for a CDO component in DISA. Seeing it fulfilled has been a real privilege. The core intent of this office is to influence and lead DISA to use data that derives business and operations outcomes, working closely with all DISA directorates and providing guidance for data use across the agency. The CDO helps to develop governance and policy frameworks used in our programs and services. We want to ensure that the dataused internally and externallyis quality data that will help our mission partners to execute their tasks in an efficient manner. We are focused on creating a DISA Data Implementation Plan to meet the direction of the DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, DoD CDO Data Strategy, and the DISA Strategic Plan. I am also focused on growing the use of knowledge management (KM) by providing KM best practice information to the workforce. Since we are asking those in the agency to change the way they use data, weve got to give them the resources to be able to do that. I cant tell somebody to do something if Im not going to give them the training or tools to do it. Were really focusing on ensuring that the workforce can meet these data demands that were putting forth. We are also working across our cyber and business data custodians on how we can exploit our data to our mission partners in a secure and ethical manner. This will increase our data sharing opportunities to our DoD partners and elevate their ability to make decisions from the data we can provide. 2022 IBM Center for The Business of Government 53'