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b'This article is adapted from, The Key to Modern Governmental Supply Chain Practice: Analytical Technology Innovation by Dr. David Preston, Dr. Daniel Chen, and Dr. Morgan Management Swink. (Washington, D.C., IBM Center for The Business of Government, 2022).The Key to Modern Governmental Supply Chain Practice: Analytical Technology Innovation By Dr. David Preston, Dr. Daniel Chen, and Dr. Morgan SwinkSupply chain management (SCM) is a fundamental practiceon timely delivery and appropriate pricing of goods and of government organizations that facilitates the exchangeservices. Many of these improvements can be realized of products for its stakeholders. Government purchasesthrough analytical or technology improvements, yet both include expenditures on goods and services by federal,commercial and government entities have not tapped into state, and local governments. Each year the United Statesthe full potential of technologies and analytical approaches spends trillions of dollars to purchase goods and servicesavailable to them.for public use. For example, it was estimated that the U.S. government purchases contributed about $3.18 trillion,Improving Supply Chain (SC) Effectivenessor about 17 percent of the total GDP in 2018. The cost ofandEfficiencyoperating supply chains is a cumbersome endeavor andInvestment in information technology (IT) is often considered accounts for up to two-thirds of the final costs reflected inan essential means to improve SC effectiveness and traded goods. As such, effective supply SCM is essential forefficiency. However, government executives remain in procurement operations. a quandary on how to best invest in technology to truly make such performance improvements in SC practices. Over the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic hasAn even greater level of uncertainty has arisen about done much to expose and highlight critical gaps andSCM due to recent issues associated with COVID-19 flaws in the global supply chain. Any improvement inand tenuous international relationships that can alter the supply chain operations achieved through effective supplynature through which government organizations provide chain management will have a significant positive impactits services. Therefore, effective use of technology to 92 www.businessofgovernment.org The Business of Government'