b'Viewpointsactive participants and, at times, owners in the change management process. Execution of change management is absolute for front-end consideration and deployment if back-end success is to occur within time parameters and achieve fluid sustainment.Ecosystem partners must engage with a sense of urgency to deliver timely results for the benefit of end customersveterans who have honorably defended this nation, and veterans who served with a warrior ethos.Near Term ImpactsThe VA initiated an investment in a successful deployment of an enterprise asset management software solution.ConclusionCompleting this deployment will bring immediate benefits The Department of Veterans Affairs mission to over ten to VA: million beneficiaries per year has an imperative to become a lean, efficient supply chain that is recognized by its peers 1.Realize a vision articulated over twenty years ago toas being among the best in health care. An effort that draws retire dozens of legacy, distributed VistA applicationsupon ecosystems, platforms, robust cybersecurity, and with the market leading asset management platform. front-end change managementto facilitate the right care with the right supplies delivered in the right quantities at 2.Consolidate over 130 instances of the AEMS/MERSthe right time for the right patient for those who have served systems with a single repository, consistent data, andin the defense of our nationwill make the VAs mission consistent work processes across the VA enterprise. achievable and certain.3.Provide VA leadership with timely and consistent visibility to VA asset data without requirements toFootnotesoperate and maintain a central data warehouse or1. VA COVID-19 PROCUREMENTS, Pandemic Underscores Urgent initiate data calls to each medical center. Need to Modernize Supply Chain. United States Government Accountability Office. June 2021. Accessed July 2021. https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-21-280.pdf. 4.Expand the capability to analyze maintenance and asset performance to identify areas for systemic2. Cordell, Carten. VHA needs to fix its inventory management, heres 10 ways it can, June 20, 2016. Accessed July 2021. https://www.improvement based on a vast trove of consistent assetfederaltimes.com/management/leadership/2016/06/20/vha-needs-to-performance data. fix-its-inventory-management-heres-10-ways-it-can/.3. Mahon, Tom; Newsome, Mark. Executive Summary: VALOR Strategic 5.Establish a baseline for expanded capabilities intoDirection Recommendation [Unpublished]. IBM. July 2021. additional business processes, organizational function, and supply chain enhancements leveraging modern technologies.82 www.businessofgovernment.org The Business of Government'