b'ManagementThere is great demand for SC organizations to implementcryptographic hashes to ensure information within a block analytics to capture more detailed data for decision-makingis tamperproof. Technological advances are transforming at multiple points within the supply chain (e.g., sourcingtraditional linear supply chains into dynamically connected analysis, network design, inventory optimization, demanddigital supply networks; however, most organizations are management, etc.). The thorough implementation andnot properly prepared for such disruptions. Blockchain is utilization of analytics allows for the development of aconsidered a potential technological innovation that can knowledge base that can be collectively shared among themake the supply chain more efficient and resilient, despite various leaders during different stages of the supply chain.volatile environments. As such, blockchain is an emerging technology that can efficiently connect stakeholders of The findings provide evidence that analytics use for SCgovernment supply chains and monitor and document the optimization has a direct influence on organizationaltransitions of goods across the supply chain. Government decision-making capability without the need for human/ organizations can seek to benefit from the potential promise managerial intervention. However, analytics use for SCof blockchain for an array of necessary activities: financial/learning does not have a direct, but an indirect effectreal estate transactions, health care data, and SC activities to decision-making capability, which requires internalrelated to an assortment of products and services.integration. Most public entities will be focused on optimization to some degree. However, such organizationsApplying AI technologymachines and algorithmsto make need to have the right mindset and integration acrosspredictions, recommendations, and decisions has enormous channels to benefit from analytical learning opportunities. potential to improve social welfare and organizational productivity. AI-led transformation can certainly improve Impact of Blockchain and AI on Supply government services, fundamentally changing how Chain Practice government delivers value to its citizens. For example, AI has In addition, this study examines organizational potentialbeen reportedly generating powerful new abilities in areas for blockchain and AI. Blockchain and AI are assessed withlike national security, food safety, regulation, and health care.consideration to the analytics frameworks as applicable and based on their idiosyncratic technology characteristics.However, very few government organizations have initiated We examine adoption of these three technologies via theplans on taking advantage of AI capabilities to improve their approach of a technology portfolio.SC processes. AI-based applications have the potential to reduce backlogs, cut costs, stretch resources, release workers Blockchain is an emerging open-source recordkeepingfrom routine tasks to perform higher value work, improve technology that enables intra- or interorganizationalthe accuracy of projections, and bring intelligence to scores transactions via a series of peer-to-peer transactionof processes, systems, and uses. For example, changes in represented by blocks that are chained together.weather patterns, trade policies, and the inventory status of Specifically, blockchain technology utilizes time stamps andsuppliers of cryptic ingredients or secondary parts can make it hard to know how much of anything to order at one time in any location. AI can help with predicting and making sense of SC dynamics by identifying and differentiating varying supply sources or using sensor data in a variety of ways that improve efficiencies. However, AI-based SCM may not be effective merely by layering AI over existing organizations or processes without appropriate investment in the transformation and reimagination of the delivery model.2022 IBM Center for The Business of Government 95'