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b'InsightsI have overseen this offices transformation from providingNASAs human capital information technology footprint. We decentralized human capital services across ten centershave a three-year plan in the works, in line with our to a centralized, functionally unified line of business. Thebusiness plan. office provides a robust portfolio of services and change management initiatives, including workforce planning andI have been given an opportunity to have a voice in the analytics, learning and development, talent acquisition,biggest workforce challenges now facing the agency. The and policy and accountability. It is responsible for buildingresponse to COVID remains a challenge. We are focused on the quality and depth of talent necessary for supporting theaddressing workload and employee burnout. Caring for the agencys mission and improving capabilities for deliveringhealth and welfare of our employees is both an opportunity human resources services. Today we are positively shapingand a challenge right nowone we take very seriously. NASAs culture to maintain high levels of employee engagement and commitment. NASA is not standing still. We are doing work with commercial partnerships on the human spaceflight side. As What are your specific duties and responsibilitiessuch, we are helping to reshape workforce skills. The future of as chief human capital officer?work/hybrid is a great example of this. I am here to help the agency move into the future, leveraging a combination of the My duties are the people side of the business. Thatbest of the pre-pandemic and the pandemic experiences.includes talent acquisition, talent development, and talent mobility. I work with agency senior leadership on keyWhat are the characteristics of an effective leader administration priorities such as COVID and Diversity,and what leadership principles guide your efforts Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)as well as theand how you lead? move to hybrid work. So, along with the transactional human resources (HR) support services, I am one of a teamLeaders must set a clear direction. People need to know of senior leaders helping NASA navigate how the agencywhere theyre going and why. Why are we transforming meets its critically important mission today and positionshuman capital right now? Why is it important? Setting a itself for the future. direction does not mean devising a hundred-point plan. It is about describing the future; what it generally looks like and We need to blend the now with the future, both for humanwhy our goals now are important. capital services and NASA workforce strategy. So we considerhow do we go about hiring talent given changes in the labor market? How do we become more demand-driven and agile? How can we set ourselves up to have the right people for the future? Its about thinking three, five, ten years from now. Balancing the needs of today and tomorrow is an incredibly important part of what I bring to the agency.Lastly, I am a CHCO at NASA and for the federal government. Part of my responsibility is to stay engaged with my counterparts in other agenciesto learn from them and to share what we need and whats working. We pay attention to whats happening in industry as well and identify innovations that we might want to leverage. What are some key challenges you face inyour position?Let me start with the internal human capital challenges. We do much with a relatively small group of people. So our goals are to identify ways to become more effective and efficient. We are looking at automation and improving 2022 IBM Center for The Business of Government 33'