Jennifer Pahlka, Author, Recoding America

Jennifer Pahlka is author of Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better. She is the founder and former executive director of Code for America. She served as the U.S. Deputy Chief Technology Officer in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from 2013–2014, where she founded the United States Digital Service. She received the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, and was named by Wired as one of the 25 people who has most shaped the past 25 years. She serves on the Defense Innovation Board and the board of the Tech Talent Project.

Weekly Roundup: June 5-9, 2023

VA’s DelBene: Contractors Playing Integral Innovation Role. VA is driving forward the idea that when it comes to technology and innovation, federal contractors need to become an integral part of the government team. Kurt DelBene, VA’s chief information officer (CIO), said “One of the things that we’ve observed – and I’ve noted as I joined – is that there’s an arm’s length typically too often between the contractor and the full-time teams.

Using IT and Data to Meet Mission

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is to promote the progress of science. It promotes the progress of science by investing in research to expand knowledge in science, engineering, and education. NSF also invests in actions that increase the capacity of the U.S. to conduct and exploit such research. NSF research has made possible many of the technological advances that have improved medicine, communications, transportation, manufacturing, and the utilization of natural resources, together with a broad range of other impacts on our lives.

Opening the Aperture and Leveraging New and Emerging Shared Services

Blog Co-Author: Karin O'Leary, Shared Services Fellow, IBM Center for The Business of Government

Dorothy Aronson

Dorothy Aronson is NSF's Chief Information Officer (CIO). She is the principal advisor to the agency's Director and other senior management on all matters involving information technology (IT). Ms. Aronson oversees policy and governance for the efficient, effective use of IT resources to accomplish the Foundation's mission.

Humans of Public Service – One Year In and Many More to Come!

Brian -- who also successful leads change in his day job as Chief Innovation officer at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and is an alum of GSA’s 18F program – modeled this effort on the now internationally renowned “Humans of New York” stories, focusing on interesting and committed people making a difference at all levels of government. Brian recently received a Fed 100 award for his leadership on this work. He reflects on a year of success and previews things to come in a guest blog below.

What if we transformed Citizen Services with Intelligent Automation?

Guest Authors: Rebecca Friedman, Christopher J. Robinson and Bridget M. Walsh, Associate Partners, Automation and Data Platforms, IBM, and Emily Vose, Partner, Data & Technology Transformation, IBM.

Dan Chenok and Kim Kagan

Dan Chenok (pictured left) and Kim Kagan (pictured right, biography below)

