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b'Insightsfocus on policy, but you have a lot of overarching work that you need to do with the military services, pulling them together. You are very involved in spectrum. You are very involved in military satellite and nuclear command and control communications. Moving to the DHS CIO, it is a very IT mobility focused organization, where the priority is on execution and getting the right things out there. Albeit three very different CIO jobs, but when you look across the variances, there is one characteristic needed to be successful. Can you build relationships? Can you understand the other persons problems? Are you going to help them get through those problems? When you think about the characteristics of a CIO, if you want to drive change, you need people to trust you. Youve got to have established relationships. What advice would you give someone who is thinking about a career in public service?We are also working on reducing our data center footprintJust do it. It is wonderfully rewarding. You will get back as much as possible. Doing this gets down to cost versusmore from public service than you will from anything else. mission. Getting to the cloud is also important for us. ItIts hard. You have to come into it with the realization that it enables us to meet our missions by enhancing our mobility.is not going to be the easiest thing that youve ever done, but We have got to make sure that the right security is in placeit is really worthwhile.when we do it. My strategy on cloud has always been federated hybrid. Were not going to pick just one. Were going to go with whatever makes sense based on cost,To learn more about the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,schedule, and performance. What is the capability I get?go to dhs.gov.Whats the cost? How quickly can I deliver it? All critical questions guiding how we move to the cloud.To hear the interviews from The Business of Government Hour, go to businessofgovernment.org/interviews.From your perspective, how has the role of the CIO within federal agencies changed over the years? WhatTo download the show as a podcast, go to PodcastOne or iTunes and characteristics make one a successful CIO? search for The Business of Government Hour.I have learned coming up through the ranks thatTo view excerpts of the show, go to youtube.com/relationships are everything. The lone wolf theory doesntbusinessofgovernment.work. IT is a team sport. You cant go it alone. If you look at game theory, trust is built on probability of defection, right? You want people to understand that when the time gets tough, you arent going to defect. I am in there with you. Building that trustwhere people know they can rely upon youleads to collaboration and greater success.I have had three federal CIO jobs, all dramatically different. The Department of Navy CIO was very policy focused with an enterprise perspective and not much focus on actual execution. As the acting Department of Defense CIO, you WINTER 2019 / 2020 IBM Center for The Business of Government 53'