b'Forum: Evolving Use of Artificial Intelligence in Government which the injury or illness occurred, as these are the easiestAt the time of drafting The Future Has Begun, the department codes to assign. By 2016, the most recent survey year,began running a pilot project, working with two contractors, computers assigned nearly 50 percent of all codes, and thesewith hopes to unveil the AI system both online and as a phone codes related not just to occupations, but to the nature of theapplication starting later in 2018. Department employees injury or body parts affected. Even better, the bureau foundand contractors are uploading a massive amount of datafrom the start that the computer coded more accurately, oninformation from Federal Acquisition Regulations and the average, than a trained human coder. To allay employeesDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, as well apprehension about technology, in the form of machineas other laws and rules. The data identifies the capabilities the learning, taking over some of their job responsibilities, theDefense Department needs and how those capabilities will be bureaus leaders played an active role in communicating theevaluated. change and the benefits of using AI. This effort requires major effort before the system can be The technology can provide more comprehensive, ongoing,helpful. Its not magic, said Frank Konieczny, the Air Forces and timely surveillance to inform future injury preventionchief technology officer. Once the Air Force completes this policy and practice. It also could benefit bureau employeestask, the system should be able to answer requests from themselves. They could now focus on more complicateddepartment employees and contractors. The goal is to enable cases that require human judgment, shifting from mind- a contract officer to query how a specific contract should numbing to more interesting tasks, and increasing the qualitybe structured or if a particular contract type can be used of their work. Staff also could do more follow-up work,for buying a particular product or servicewhether that such as calling respondents to get clarifications on theiris an incentive contract, a fixed-price contract, or some survey responses. At the same time, the bureau held trainingother contract type. Contracting officers could quickly sessions for coding staff on what machine learning is andfind answers to difficult questions so that they can focus what it does, to help them get a better understanding of itson creating agreements and use the flexibility available in value to the bureau. the procurement regulations. Any business interested in contracting with the Air Force, from a large multinational Conquering the Complexities of Federalcorporation to a small startup, would be able to query the Purchasingsoftware about bidding on a contract. A company also could A second illustration of the use of AI explains how therequest a list of all the contracts it is eligible to bid onAir Force looks at using the technology to make sense ofoptions that could simplify the process for those bidders.complex acquisition regulations so it can speed the process of buying goods and services. The department will uploadAt the same time, AI technology can be taught to analyze thousands of regulations, contract cases, acquisition trainingtext to get at the regulations meaning. Human experts can material, and Defense Department policy. AI technology thenhelp the system learn to discern the intent of regulations by will be able to answer queries from federal contract officialscorrelating words, acronyms, or phrases to an explanation. and contractors about acquisition rules and regulations,Acquisition professionals tend to use the contract type such as, how to proceed with a contract, what procedures tothey are used to, rather than the most appropriate onefollow, or what contract a small business could bid on. even if it is not the best or most efficient contract for their purchasebecause they know how to follow the regulations Every federal agency and branch has dealt with thefor that specific contract. AI could help ensure that Air Force complicated acquisition process for obtaining goods andprofessionals use contracts expeditiously and comply with services. For the Air Force, a huge government purchaser,all regulations, even when they use a new and unfamiliar the challenge is exponentially larger than for many othercontract type. An acquisition process using AI software could agencies. In fiscal 2017 alone, the department spent aroundalso help company employees understand what they need $53 billion on products and services, or 11 cents of everyto know for a contract application and what acquisition dollar the federal government spent on acquisitions that year.regulations apply when submitting a proposal, without the AI could help the Air Force smooth the acquisition processassistance of lawyers. It could also help businesses identify by helping officials figure out rules and regulations and makewhat regulations they must follow based on their type of work. good contract decisions more quickly and efficiently.WINTER 2019 / 2020 IBM Center for The Business of Government 57'